Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last day of 2009
We have this day to contemplate what we would like to see happen in our lives in 2010. Without a plan we will struggle thru this year and rarely recieve our desires. A spiritual mind is life and peace. Let us strive for the mastery and we will get there. That place in God that only the Godly can go. Happy New Year everybody. May God grant your hearts desire this coming year.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Let us eat some good Word today
How about a challenge. Reading the Word of God this year like you have never read it before. What do you think? You can read the newspaper till you have ink on your fingers, but your soul is starving to death. Our souls must be fed, not just our bodies. Eat the Word saints. Eat the Word for you, and for others. When you are fed you can feed others. This will keep our Fire Fresh.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The joy of the Lord is our strenght.
How strong are you? I don't mean so much about physically but Spiritually. Our attitude is an indicator of our inward strenght. Ps. 16:11 " Thou wilt show me the path of life: In Thy Presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." I think the operative words here are IN THY PRESENCE. The closer we get to God the stronger we get. Let us get strong in God ya'll.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Last Sunday and last week of 2009
What have we learned this year? If we look at the news, listen to the world's view of the world, and walk accordingly we will never have victory. Let us look in the Book, listen to the Spirit, and walk accordingly, then we will have victory. Victory in Jesus, My Savior forever! Praise God forever!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
God gives good gifts. We are to covet them.
To covet is to crave, or to desire. I really believe as we crave God's good gifts, we will recieve them. Gifts like rest, peace, power, bread of life, springs of living water, and eternal life. How precious is the Lord to you? I think that is a pretty good question. How about you?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everybody
Fresh Fire is more than words, it is an experience. Christmas was possible because of Christ obedience to the Father. Fresh Fire is possible because of our obedience to God's Word. Both are possible, both are gifts, and both are both historical, and both are relevant today. Stay fired up, and filled up with God's goodness. Christmas has a whole real meaning when the fire of the Holy Ghost is burning in our lives. Love you each one.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
As we get close to Christmas
It won't be long now before we open our gifts on Christmas day. Everyday is a gift from God to us. As we open our gifts, and as we open our eyes everyday think how they resemble one another. A gift is free. What we do with these gifts tell on us. We are identified by our actions, habits, language, heart, and thoughts. The gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us give God our life as a gift. Merry Christmas then has a whole new meaning.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Let all the people praise Him
Praise God today, and tomorrow, and next week, and you know where I'm going. Isn't it amazing how amazing God is. Isn't it wonderful how wonderful God is. Not everybody is gonna praise the Lord but I am. How about you? A thousand piece puzzle is incomplete when you have 999 pieces. The piece we are missing is found in Jesus. We will find Him if we search for Him with all our hearts. When we find Him let us praise Him. Sounds good to me.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Silent night doesn't mean keep silent
I love this song Silent Night. To me this is Christmas in song. The world seems to feel this way, that is those that have a Christian affiliation anyway. When Christmas is over, and the lights have been removed, and the tree either put away, or thrown away, do we still share Jesus in someway? Satan wants to give us all a case of Lock Jaw. Like some kind of lame law President Clinton came up with for our military - Don't ask - Don't tell. Who saved us from our sins? Who blesses us every day? Who loves us more than we could ever know?
Please Saints let us tell somebody today about Jesus. Stand up like men and women with conviction. Merry Christmas everybody.
Please Saints let us tell somebody today about Jesus. Stand up like men and women with conviction. Merry Christmas everybody.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Jesus - Man of Wonder
Do you ever wonder about Jesus? The Son of God, that became the Son of Man, so the Son's of Men could become the Son's of God. He never had a beginning for He is God. The only beginning we know is when Mary delivered this child, although she was a virgin. This child she delivered, delivered her. Jesus is awesome. Make sure you know Him before it is too late. When we believe in Him, our lives become wonderful. Praise God forever!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Time
Let us give God our time, and heart, and life. God gave this to us. Time is a gift of God by God for our benifit. What we do with time, can make you or break you. Eternity is a long time. If we give our life to God we win. What a waste it would be to live your whole life, and then die, and lose in the end. While we are giving gifts this year, let us give our lives and time to God for God.
Friday, December 18, 2009
One week untill
Next Friday will be Christmas. We have been given the greatest of all gifts, when we recieved Jesus. He is the gift that keep's on giving, and giving, and giving. Wonderful counseler, and Prince of Peace are just some of His titles. Let us give him our lives for our gift to Him. He is surely worth it ya'll.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
As a man thinketh so is he
We are where we are because we want to be. If I think small, I will stay small. I am what I am thru Christ, and will become worthy of big things if I stay humble. The powerful truth of the above sentence is "thru Christ". A narrow mind, and a big head often fit on the same fellow. A spiritual mind is life and peace. Something to think about ya'll.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Let us speak the wonderful works of God
Acts 2:11 "Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God". This is after the 120 were baptised in the Holy Ghost, and they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The Holy Ghost speaks of the Father. Real Spirit living will take us to new levels in the Lord. This new level will glorify the Lord in all we say, and in all we do. Are you baptised in the Holy Ghost. If not-- Why not? He is yours for the asking.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The heart of a real Christian is ever seeking more
Forgiveness is one of the awesome benifits of salvation. It is not the only benifit for the scriptures are full of the promises of God for the believer. The pentecostal experience is one of the promises of God for all believers. Speaking in tongues is Heavens language. Only God knows what is being said unless an interpretation is in order. Paul said I speak in tongues more than you all, but I would rather speak 5 words of understanding to see someone understand the gospel. Let us stay hungry for God ya'll.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Pentecost is still happening
Have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed? Salvation is an awesome experience, and is made available to us thru the shed blood of Jesus. This is done by the work of the Holy Ghost as one repents of their sin and gives their life to Christ. The promise of the Father to us that are saved is the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. This was first experienced on the day of Pentecost, and has been avilable to all believers since. If you haven't recieved this gift from God pray for this baptism. I will talk more tomorrow about Pentecost. The wise still seek Him. Seek Him everybody.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday is here let us give God praise
Praise is from the heart. Days are from God, and should be used for God. Put em together and we get daily praise for God. Let us keep our praise on ya'll.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Have a faithful Christmas
Christmas and faith. You really can't have one without the other. When lights come out of the box, and the tree's are up in the house this should be a testimony of the true light, and life that comes thru Christ. How good it is to know Jesus. Let us celebrate Him everyday OK. Love you all.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Psalms 101:3
" I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." Our eyes are the window to the soul. It is hard to erase the images we see. It is like velcro to our cloths. It is sticky. God forgives us of our past sins, but it is up to us to keep ourselves in the love of God. We are still responsible for our will's. Let us look to Jesus ya'll. He is worth looking at.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
How good is God
There is no way to measure how awesome and wonderful God is. There is not a measuring stick that is big enough to measure how good God really is to us. Books have been written, songs have been sung, Preachers have preached it, and all men experience the goodness of God. He is good all the time ya'll. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Let us get to know Him personally OK.
It is raining inside?
Do you ever feel like the Lord is raining drops of blessings in your soul? I mean a Holy Ghost downpour that changes everything for the good. I crave these rains don't you? God will send this shower when we want that shower. How bad do you want this rain? Fresh Fire is for all of us. Lord give us revival and let it start with me. Love you all.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Nothing like a made up mind
Without a made up mind nothing will really ever be worth much. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. A single thought can be powerful if it is a thought worth thinking. Jesus - now He is worth thinking about. Born sinless, lived sinless, and died because He took our sins upon Himself who knew no sin. Wow. Merry Christ mas ya'll.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What is it that moves you
Our hearts are an open book and are read by God. We can be fooled by our hearts for our heart is decietful above all things and desperately wicked. What moves us tells on us. Flesh verses the Spirit. Keeping your Yes Fresh in God is vital to our spiritual health.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Stay excited in Christ ya'll
If we get excited about anything let us get excited about Jesus. Ball games can be fun to watch, and even get involved in, but watch how involved you get. Involvement in the Kingdom of God is good for you, and me. The more we get to know Christ the more exciting our lives can become. It is when we lose our excitement for God that we should be alarmed.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Mary said her soul doth magnify the Lord
We are pieced together in 3 parts. Body, Soul, and Spirit. Soul = Mind, Emotion, and Will. Our thoughts, our excitement of things, and our drive is by and for God. Sin will mess us up, but God will take our mess and make us a message. Mary became a messenger first by her excitement for God. How about our souls? Do our souls magnify the Lord? If not - why not?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Got room?
My house has several rooms. Every room has more stuff than the law allows. Seems like I can't put any thing else in them. Maybe your house is like that. Our hearts have rooms. Full of sin or full of God. There really is no half way salvation. From the abundance of the heart proceeds........... Give God room to move in your life and your life will take on a whole new dimension. Think about it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
In the jail house now
Prison, jail, lockup, shackled. Names for being in bondage. Too many are in jail and don't mind it. 3 hots, and a cot. But wait there is much more to this picture. No freedom is the first thing I think of. Reminds me of sin. Bondage to Satan, no freedom to enjoy real quality of life, a very dim future awaits someone in sin. Have you been set free thru Christ? If not - why not?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Let us be movers for God
I stood by Yellow Leaf creek the other day and watched a limb go by, and over some rapids, and disappear. I thought to myself this water is moving on. Have we been standing on the premises, and hoping for the promises, and doing nothing to recieve them? The Holy Ghost will cause a move of faith, and power in our lives if we seek Him. I'm talking about fire ya'll. Fire moves. Fresh Fire is for those whose fire has gone out, or was close to it. We fit in 3 categories - Standing, Stagnating, or Moving. The ? is which one do we fit in?
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About Me
- Fresh Fire Ministries
- Chelsea, Alabama, United States
- We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.
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Blog Archive
- Last day of 2009
- Let us eat some good Word today
- The joy of the Lord is our strenght.
- Last Sunday and last week of 2009
- God gives good gifts. We are to covet them.
- Merry Christmas everybody
- As we get close to Christmas
- Let all the people praise Him
- Silent night doesn't mean keep silent
- Jesus - Man of Wonder
- Christmas Time
- One week untill
- As a man thinketh so is he
- Let us speak the wonderful works of God
- The heart of a real Christian is ever seeking more
- Pentecost is still happening
- Sunday is here let us give God praise
- Have a faithful Christmas
- Psalms 101:3
- How good is God
- It is raining inside?
- Nothing like a made up mind
- What is it that moves you
- Stay excited in Christ ya'll
- Mary said her soul doth magnify the Lord
- Got room?
- In the jail house now
- Let us be movers for God