Monday, April 2, 2012

I am now a Certified Chaplain

Hey everybody. Praise God forever! I have now completed my Chaplains school training and have been given the opportunity to be the Lord's hands and feet. I have always felt to do this anyway, but I have always included this with preaching, and witnessing. Being a Chaplain will include this and other duties, and priviledge's, and opportunities. I will be working with the Chelsea Fire Dept. and the City of Chelsea. Also Jail ministry for Shelby County will fit also. I can't see an area of life that this training will not fit. An Ordaind minister/chaplain. The best title I could ever have tho is "Christian". Love you all.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Well let us get up and get going for God today-tomorrow-never stop.

Hey everybody. Long time since the last blog. I will understand it better by and by - Ha. Getting close to Easter, and I can feel the power of the resurrected Christ in my bones, how about you. Last night in the jail before I got my foot in the door, a guard pulled me aside and told me about how the Lord has been calling him back to the relationship he has had with Him in the past. He was backslid and unhappy. This was a cry from his spirit to - COME BACK. He was the 1st one to pray last night, and surrender his life back to God. Wow ya'll we had church. Never let your YES IN GOD grow cold. Stale bread is not very tasty is it. God doe's more than see us, He smells us. How do you smell to God? SIN = Stinks In Nostrils. Make sure your relationship with God stays fresh, and then we can be useable by and for God. Lv you all.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

God's door is always open

Hello everybody. Aren't you glad that God's door is open all the time. Open for a visit anytime from the faithful. I mean the unfaithful can talk with God, but God will only hear them when they mean business. A foolish man taking for granted that God will hear, and answer their prayer, is fooling himself. John 9:31 "Now we know that God heareth not sinners; but if any man be a worshipper of God, and doeth His will, him He heareth". Let us not take for granted the great grace of God, while He may be found saints. Keep your Yes Fresh in God, and allow the Holy Ghost of glory to fill you, thrill you, and empower you for His service. Love you all. Praise God forever!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Are you risen with Christ?

Hello everybody. Praise God forever! Col. 3:1 ask a question, and makes a statement. "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God". " If " is the question here. There is to be no doubt here. The statement is made with the understanding that you are "risen in Christ". So if ye be risen in Christ we are to "Seek those things which are above". When we meet Jesus, and make Him the Lord of our lives, He will change us, but we must make the decision to stay changed in Christ. The world, and Satan wants you to stay non-confrontational with their system. In Christ we can't help but stay confrontational in our fight of faith. A man that is backslid loses his passion for standing up for God, and seeking the "Above" things. Keep your "Yes Fresh" and keep on the firing line OK. Love you all.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Be strong and of good courage

Hello everybody. Praise God forever! Joshua 1: 6-9 mentions 3 times this same statement as the title. Be strong and of good courage. It takes strength, more than physical, to be an overcomer. Someone said one old timer, a minister of many decades, always greeted another minister with these words. "How goes the battle?" Good question isn't it. It also takes courage-good courage- to fight the fear of the terrorist Satan. Good courage leans on God, bad courage leans on self. A self made man is not worth much. Two things we need to know. There is a God, and we ain't Him. Keep your YES FRESH in God everybody.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

I trust the Lord has primed you for this year

Hello everybody. Thanks for checking out this web site. I do want to be profitable for the Lord this year, and I do hope you feel the same way. I know last year we had success, and failure, health, and sickness, and had ups and downs. No matter where we find ourselves, in the negative or positive, let us walk wisely in Christ. Could this be the day, week, month, or year of Christ rapture? For every dream that shatters another one comes true. What dream or vision do you have? Let us be doers of the Word and not hearers only. Jeremiah 29:11 " For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you an expected end". If God thinks this well toward us well what are we so down about? Let God prime us, as you would a pump, and let the water of life run out of us. Love you all. Praise God forever!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Merry Christmas everybody for 2011

Jesus had the birthday but we get the gift. This great gift of Salvation, Sanctification, Baptism of the Holy Ghost, comfort, grace, faith, love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, gentleness, meekness, temperance, and so much more because of Jesus. Let us celebrate His birth ya'll. Keep your Yes Fresh in God, with your knees on the ground, and your nose in the Book. Love you all. Thanks for your prayers and encouragements throughout the year. It means a ton.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Hello everybody

It is beautiful outside, and I am full inside of the love of God. How good it is for us to get close to God. Thanksgiving was awesome this year, because that morning in Vicksburg, Ms. had a nephew give his life to Christ. Praise God forever! Jail ministry has been visited by God and many souls have been surrendering to Christ. Merry Christmas ya'll. Remember Jesus is the reason for the season. Love you all. Bro. Eddie.

PS: If you would like to donate to this ministry you can send any amount of offering to my home address. I promise it will be used for ministry only. My address is : 6730 Hwy. 51, Wilsonville, Al. 35186. Thanks ya'll.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Thanksgiving Day is real close, but never let it be far off anytime.

Having a heart of gratefulness is so important. It can only come from a thankful heart. Emotions, Will, and Mind are a souls integral parts. The soul can be swayed by diverse things in this world, so that is why the Sprit of man should be in a good relationship with the Spirit of God. Thanksgiving is something that will come easy when this happens. Keep your fire fresh this Thanksgiving, and everyday will be Thanksgiving. Love you all. Praise God forever!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

An Athiest no more

Hello everybody. Tuesday night in the Shelby County Jail, had an inmate that was a Satanist, and an Athiest. Another inmate was a needle freak. Neither knew anything about Salvation, or the truth of the Gospel. Spent 2 hours sharing the truth of the Bible. God gave us good mercy and understanding. They both asked Christ in their hearts. Praise God forever! No sin too big, that God is not bigger. Love you all. Keep your fire fresh ya'll. Gloryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Watch that snake

I like to hike and get outside. I like to hunt, and fish, and enjoy the outdoors. I grew up in Bessemer, and at the end of my street were 8 different lakes. We called them the minnow ponds, and we fished, frog gigged, swam, caught snapping turtles, and snakes. I know the different kinds of snakes, and can tell a poison one from a non-poison one. I surveyed for 15+ yrs. and everynow and then would come across a snake. Some were of the opinion if it is a snake it should be killed. I am not. If it is non poison, it will eat mice, and rats, and bugs. It's the poison of the adder, and mocasin that seperates it from the other. Satan is a liar, a deciever, and a murderer. Know what sin is and you will know the snake that is out to steal your soul, kill your concsence, future, & influence, and destroy your life. Watch out for this snake. Look to Jesus ya'll. Keep your Yes Fresh in God. Love you all.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The fear of the Lord is to hate evil, pride, and arrogancy, the evil way.........

You know I am so filled with thankfulness for what God has and is doing in my life. I have done much sin, so when a man has much need, our God has more of the answer for that need. The fear of the Lord clarifies sin, and gives us instructions to stay clear of it. Hate evil, pride, arrogancy, the evil way,(works of the flesh), and the perverted mouth are things God hates. As Christians we should hate the sin, love the sinner, but not comprimise the truth because we are afraid we will "hurt their feelings". I have been trying to talk to a former brother in Christ, about the sin of homosexuality. He claims it is not sin, but the love of God for all men, and women. That he can find no scripture on the sins of homosexuality. God is a God of love, and acceptance he says. Again the "fear of the Lord is......." Know your friends, and your enemies. Do not fellowship with the works of darkness lest you be pulled into that evil way. Know the Bible, but most of all know the Author. Love you all.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Did you know a turtle has no teeth

This is not something I have spent much time on anyway, but I thought this was interesting. Just about everything alive has teeth, that I know of. To find this out reminds me of the likeness of Satan described in the scriptures. 1 Peter 5:8 "Be sober, be vigilent; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:" Satan is not a lion, but is likened as one here. Satans aim is to kill, steel, and destroy. The sinner is fair game for him. The saint on the other hand is covered in the great grace of God. Stay in that grace and live. Backslide on God, and go back to sinning, Satan will eat your lunch. Stay in God and the devil can't cross the bloodline. His teeth are pulled so to speak. He will gum at ya, but cannot bite you as before. Keep your fire fresh ya'll. Love you all.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Nurture your minds with great thoughts

Hello everybody. How's your fire today? As a man thinks, so is he. To believe in the heroic makes heroes. To believe you can't will be truth. Reach out, reach up, believe up, and walk out of the bonds of doubt. Reach the highest heights by believing the highest thoughts. Faith is, not was. A was faith is a dead faith. Love you all.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

No bird soars too high, if he soars with his own wings

Hello Fresh Fire friends. Praise God forever! God is so good to us, and has given each one of us diverse talants, and abilities. We can do much with what God has given us, but if we try to do it on our own, it is limited. God has no impossibilities, and no limits. We do, but when we give all we have, to all He is, we can do all things thru Christ, that strenghthens us. Let us keep our abilities and talents under the submission of our almighty God. We will soar higher than we thought possible. Love you all.

Friday, September 16, 2011

It's what you scatter that matters

Hello my fellow saints of God. Love you all. God is good to us and that be all the time. How close are we to His coming? You know what we scatter matters. Our words, attitudes, and deeds are as well felt, as well as telt. People will remember small things about you and I. Things that are so very small to us, but to someone else it can be a big thing. When we are filled with the Holy Ghost, all the same attributes that the saints in the scriptures had, we have. Some people think that God did, we believe He still does. There is a difference in a pentecostal believer, from just a believer. A total impact on ones life, and being. The seeds we scatter in this life, will matter in the lives of others. Recieve ye the Holy Ghost. A command from Christ to us. Then share what matters most to others - life in Christ, forgiveness of sin, and power to share the gospel. Keep your fire fresh ya'll. Don't let this world put that fire out. Praise God forever!

Friday, September 9, 2011

Saw a miricle last night, when God healed an inmates wrist.

Hello everybody. God is still in the miricle business. Have you been prayed for and seemed like nothing happened. Well I tell you it may seem that way, but God still answers prayer. Faith moves mountains ya'll. I anoited him with oil, we all prayed, and believed, and saw this swollen wrist shrink. What a great way to get the other inmates to listen, that God is real, and no matter the deal, can still heal. In fact it should be in our normal expectation of prayer. Agree? Love you all. Keep your fire fresh ya'll.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Content or Discontent

There are two tents people live in. One is Content where folks are happy, peaceful, and at rest. Then there is the discontent. These people are rarely ever happy, or peaceful, or at rest. They are restless, peaceless, and sad/or mad. The hope we have for contentment is a living, moving, relationship with Jesus. The baptism of the Holy Ghost is the fire we need to get things going. Fresh Fire is needful, and a must for growth in God. Where are you in this formula. Sad or mad or happy and glad? Write me and tell me if you listen to the broadcast "Fresh Fire" on WURL, 760 AM at 7:30 on Saturday mornings. Pentecostal Evangelism. Love you all.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Awesome Jail ministry last night at the Shelby Co. Jail

I have nothing but praise for my, (your), God. 5 saved, several blessed with special prayers being answered, souls surrendered to God's will for their lives.  Healings were manifested with the anointing of oil in the name of the Lord. If you and I do it God's way we can't lose. Everystep we take, every move we make, let us do all in the name of the Lord. Satan is a liar, and a loser, and just being friends with him will be enough to kill you, and your family will be placed in extreme danger. Hate sin ya'll. It is OK to hate this. Pro. 8:13. To love God is what we are called to do. How arrogant can a man be that thinks he has done anything to win in life. Our futures are determined by the choices we make. If we make the right choice we can make it successfully in life. Jail is defined as confinement. This can also occur when somebody decides to stay in sin. Your choice.
Choose life and not death ya'll. God will help us and not hurt us. Love you all.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Christianity is no religion for whimps

I remember in the 60's "Hare Krishna" people dancing, and selling things to support themselves and their religion. No salvation was preached, just a oneness with the universe. Peace was promised in this religion. I tell you where there is No Jesus there is No Peace. Satan is a liar, and a deciever. Like an angel of light, or a Hare Krishna peace promising religion that you don't hear about anymore. It takes a real man or woman to live holy, and rightous, and this only by the blood of Jesus. The God Man. 100% both. Creator, and Saviour all in one. There are people that are being killed, tortured, and placed in prison for being Christians. Some of the stories I have read are heart rendering. Yet they loved not their lives to death. Wow. Serve God ya'll in Spirit and in Truth. Love you all. Bro Eddie.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Hey everybody. It's go time.

This is the first I have blogged on here since April everybody. Have had a problem with getting on here. I am surprised to have gotten on now. Praise God forever! Speaking of surprises let us not be caught off guard. The Lord is coming and I mean sooner than some think. When I say it's go time I mean literally the rapture could take place or God could pull your time card. Ready or not time is not something we have any control over. Fresh Fire means keeping you Yes Fresh in God. I'm talking about Holy Ghost fire = Excitement in serving God, and living an adventure. Not just suffering or enduring your days, but enjoying life. Let us also go for God so that others will know this same Jesus you and I do. My phone # is 205-516-3427. Let us pray, and help one another make it. Heaven will be an awesome place. I'd like to see you there. You going?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Well welcome to this website where we believe we have to keep our yes fresh

Here lately I have seen the Holy Ghost move in our mist as I haven't seen in a while. I believe God has more in store than we have been given already. Only the hungry will be filled. The saved and satisfied will recieve no more than what they desire. How do we stand with God. Love you all.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Time to get serious with God ya'll

I have heard it said that if you show me the people you hang around with and I'll show you your future. This is so true. Sin is a contagious disease. It will kill you and everybody you love. Let us keep our relationship fresh in God . Hang around those you know love God, and you. Praise God forever!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Morning everybody. Praise God forever!

Have you hungered for God like you used to in times past. Let us take our steps in faith, and not in the flesh. A man walking in the Spirit, does not answer to the flesh like a man unsaved. We fight and struggle and mess up, but if we mess up fess up, and God will pick us up and get us ready to go up. If we mess up and don't fess up, we will fester up, and a sore that festures starts stinking. Let us be quick to confess, and pray, and know that God is God over all things. God is an awe inspiring God. Gloryyyyyy!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Name calling

Hey everybody. Ever been called a name other than your own? I mean like a nick name, or a funny name, or a nasty name. I'm ok with most of the names I have been called. Most of em just kind of reflect your personality, your energy, or lack thereof, your looks, good or bad, your weight, or your height, or maybe your smell - for real. Most of these names can be funny like 4 eyes, bean pole, bowling ball, stinky, or nerd. These can also hurt your feelings, especially if they are so downing as to cause others to see you in a negative light. First impressions are hard to re-do. Names like stupid, ignorant, crazy, and such can really hurt. I guess I have been called most all of the above and then some I can't repeat for conscience sake. The greatest name I have ever been called in my life is a Christian. Oh how proud I am to be counted worthy to wear that name. Christian = Christ like. Watch the name calling ya'll unless it is a good name and one that will lift the other up, and not down. Love you all.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We that look for Jesus shall He appear

Hello everybody. What cha looking for? Our eyes are a door for us. We see, sometimes, what we want to see. I truly believe a man or woman's heart helps determine how we see things. If our hearts are not right, nothing is going to look right. If our hearts are true, and clean, and right, we will see things more clearly. We then can determine if it is something we need to look at or not. Let us be selective. This world has many a distraction and will readily turn our hearts from God and His beauty. There is a song that says " Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth shall grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace." Well I couldn't have said it better myself. Love you all.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Praise God for the Holy Ghost

I have been a pentecostal Christian for a long time. I have seen em shout, pout, and walk out. I have seen em come, and go. I have seen a lot of hollow experience's in the church world. My Dad told me not to be a hypocrite, or to work at Sears and Roebuck. I have done both. I had to do it my way seems like. I quess we all do untill we find out it is far better to listen than it is turn a deaf ear to God, and others with more wisdom, and experience. This real baptism of the Holy Ghost, with the evidence of tongues, is as real as Christianity can get. They that are led by the Spirit are called the Sons of God. I am proud to be. How about you?

Monday, January 31, 2011

If you read this at all.................

Hey ya'll. Praise God forever! I wonder how many are reading this blog at all. I mean I want to connect with others who believe that we need Fresh Fire, and have confidence that they can have it. Please sign the guest book if you do read this, or have even checked it out. Leave me a message on e-mail if you want to at, or I am also on facebook. I would really like to know. Love you all.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

He died as he spoke in tongues

When I got saved way back on June 8, 1975, I was blessed to have as my new brother and sister Grady and Donny Smelly. Bro. Grady's mother Sis. Smelly shared her testimony a few minutes before I gave my life to Christ. It was her testimony that helped open my eye's to my lost condition, and what I was missing. Bro. Grady was 81 and had a heart condition. Sat. or Sunday Sis. Donny took him to the emergency room in Pensacola, Fla. Sis. Donny was rubbing his back, he spoke in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, and he took his last breath on earth. I wonder what he is seeing now - Wow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

It takes good ground to grow a good crop

Jesus talkes about seed being thrown on hard ground, rocky ground, and thorny ground, and good ground. Which do you think represents your heart. Hard, rocky, thorny, or good. A hard heart cannot recieve any seed for the roots cannpt penetrate, the rocky heart leaves a little room for soil, but mostly rock. A little leaven leavaneth the whole lump. The thorny heart has too many cares and deciets of this world to produce a good crop. It will overtake the good and choke it out. The good heart will recieve the good seed, and produce a good crop. Only a relationship with Christ will make our hearts good. Something to think about isn't it. Love you all.
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About Me

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Chelsea, Alabama, United States
We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.

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