Sunday, January 31, 2010
I have been gone to see my kin folk out of town.
It sure is good to see kin folk. One of these days we will see all of our kin folk that are saved. That is the big difference. If you are saved, stay that way, and then you will see your kinfolk again. If they died saved then you will have a reunion when we meet in Heaven. I tell you the truth Hell is full of folks that had good intentions. There is no luke warm anybody in Heaven.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
From freezing cold to hot as a firecracker
I am not much on cold weather but cold weather has it's place. In the spiritual realm cold has it's place only when we are away from the heat. We are the thermostats and determine if we want to be cold or hot in Jesus. The baptism of the Holy Ghost can take us from a cold experience to a fired up experience in a quick and timely manner. What is your thermostat set on? Let us kick it up a notch saints. Fresh Fire is for us today.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thiis is another one of those days
How do you look at life? Faith is positive and see's the cup half full. Faithless is negative and see's the cup half empty. I've always enjoyed my Christian experience, and have always wanted everybody to have the same kind of experience. Was this my first inkling of a calling from God for Evangelism. I really think so. Yes this is another one of those days - days we are able to share the Gospel with someone. Let us do it OK.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Prov. 24:6
For by wise councel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety. My war against Satan, and Hell, is different than yours, and yours is different than mine, even though it is somewhat the same. Good councel can be had from God's Word, and in keeping close fellowship with those in the Word is safe. Disassociate from those that are enemy's of God by living in sin. Sin is contagious, and will kill us. Let us be contagious Christians ya'll.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This ministry is all about keeping your relationship with God on Q
How long has it been since you've had a Holy Ghost, power packed, annointed, devil stomping encounter with God? Let us kick it up a notch ya'll. There is still a river that spills from Emanuels veins. The river is the Spirit of God. Pentecost is still happening. Is it a real experience in your life?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Politics and Religion
Two seperate topics, but all too often these are mixed together, and the church suffers. God still promotes the faithful, and demotes the backslider in heart. Stay faithful ya'll. There is no big I's and little you's in God's program. Look to Jesus, walk with Jesus, talk with Jesus, and Know Jesus and He will bless your sock's off. Love you. Draw close while you can, and keep politics and religion seperate in your lives.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ever drop an egg and it not break?
Is there anything more fragile than an egg? It doesn't take much for an egg to break, because the shell is so thin. Man up Saints. This world is not our home, Satan is not our God, and what man says or does to us doesn't have to break us like an egg dropped. Sometimes we just have to be tough. I imagine Peter, & Paul had a rather tough shell don't you think. You and I can only tip toe thru the tulips for so long. Let us start taking giant steps toward God ya'll. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What are ya looking for ?
Sometimes we look but we don't see, but we won't see unless we look. What are we looking for as far as our Spiritual growth is concerned ? Let us crack the Book and take a look. The Bible is not a book written by men about God, it is God's own words given to men so they may know Him - personally. Jesus said " Come unto me and I will give you rest."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Enjoy your salvation
When we enjoy our salvation we enjoy our lives. Life = L for love, I for intensly, F for fire, and E for ever. Love intensly by the fire of the Holy Ghost forever!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
There is a Way to Walk if youre a Believer
To walk is to get from one place to another. Which way are we going - up or down, right or wrong? To walk in victory is to walk cautiously. Mind your steps for they are directed by one authority or another.
Friday, January 15, 2010
66 Books of promise
The Holy Bible is an inspired word from God for us. Thousands of promises, some good, some not so good, are waiting for us. Obey God = good, Disobey God = bad. Simple solution for a successful Christian life is to crack the Book and take a look. Then run with victory thru the battle lines of the enemy.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Condition accessement
Sometimes we think were in good shape dispite the shape were in. The only real way to access our condition with God is how we fit with God's Word, and standard. Without Holiness no man shall see God. Only the pure in heart shall see God. Want to to hear the well done, Do it by the Book.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Excited about Jesus
Last night I had a love for Jesus that just flooded my being. I can't explain it all but it was wonderful. I live for these times of refreshing from the Lord. How awesome He is to us, and for us. When we get excited in the right things, our priorities change for the good. Spiritual gauge = our excitement or not in Jesus. Where are you today? Kick it up a notch saints. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
In circulation
When I went to crank the car this morning, and warm it up, it didn't warm up. It was just freezing cold air blowing, and man what a drag. There is a hole in the radiator and therefore without coolant there is no heat. The coolant leaked out. No coolant, no heat, because there is nothing to circulate. This will preach ya'll. No fire in the soul, nothing to circulate to anybody, anywhere, at anytime. Only Jesus can fix the hole in the soul.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Worship today like it's your last day on earth
We have been given so much time to live. Let us remember to pay our tithes and offerings. No money - no problem. 24 hours in a day, 2 hours and 40 minutes = 10%. Worship saints with uplifted hands, and humble hearts. This is going to be a great day. I believe it. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It is still cold on the outside, but I got a fire going on the inside
Cold stops growth. Winter time is the time for all the trees, and other vegetation to get rest. We don't need to stop growing in God. Stay fired up ya'll. Fresh should be our relationship in God.
The world is a cold place for a man to be without Christ. If we do what we have always done, we will get what we've always got. Do you want to be more than you have ever been, draw close to God. He will take us to a new level in the Spirit.
The world is a cold place for a man to be without Christ. If we do what we have always done, we will get what we've always got. Do you want to be more than you have ever been, draw close to God. He will take us to a new level in the Spirit.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Proverbs 8:13
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride, arrogancy, and the evil way, these things I hate sayeth the Lord." If God hates these things so should we. I believe this is a true definition of Holiness. Holiness is essential for Heaven. Alabama and Texas fought it out and only one could win. Alabama did. Life is tough and is a fight till we breath no more. Only the Christian wins. Stay fired up, filled up, and when you die you go up. Pray about being a part of this ministry. I appreciate your prayer, and your financial gifts. It takes both. Love you.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday - game day
This day Alabaman and Texas will play for a place in history. They both have come a long way, and now it's time to see who will come out the winner. Let us look at ourselves and how far we have come thru Christ. We are overcomers thru Christ, and the fight we fight is the fight of faith. This, and everyday, is game day for us. Go Saints go. We are making history, and our names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. Praise God forever!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The marks of the mission
If you are Christ then you are a part of the great co-mission. Co means to partner with, and mission means the vision of our future. To love God and to love others is our main directive from God. This is also our mission. So when we obey the great commission we actually become partners with God, to get ur done. Let us get on it what do you say?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Jan. 5, 2010 and it's cold sho nuff
I reckon if it's hot or cold, or inbetween, we need to be the same on the inside. Our inward man is on display whether you know it or not. Let the Holy Ghost of Heaven make us ministers of fire. Fresh Fire is ours for the asking. Ask and we shall recieve. Bundle up outside, but be fired up on the inside. Whewwwwwwww!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
It is just another good day to remember the Lord
Do you remember something good in your past? When you were a child, or teenager, or young Adult, or even yesterday. Memories help us live life with more confidence, as we remember the good things that the Lord helped us with. The Alpha and Omega is still in control, and we are somewhere in between the beginning and the end. Be excited in your faith walk, and we will make mighty memories of faith.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
There's power in a name
A good name is better to have than great riches. It takes a long time to build a good reputation and a short time to mess one up. To live under the name of all names - Jesus - is the greatest of all priviledges. The rightous has one thing going for them = rightousness. That means they are made clean thru the shed blood of Jesus; who was, and is, and is to come. Only the rightous will make Heaven, and that is because Emmanuel came to change our names from sinner to saint. Wow!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year - 2010
Here we are in the year of our Lord 2010. Let this be a year of faith. A year to recieve from God all the gifts he wants to give us. I believe the scriptures, I believe in repentence, justification, salvation by grace, sanctification as a second work of grace, baptism in water, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterence. I believe in holiness as a way of life for the believer. Total abstinance from alcohol, cigarettes, and things that will destroy our testimony is also something I believe. I also believe in the rapture, in the pre-milenial 2cd coming of the Lord. I believe in Heaven and Hell. I believe we need to keep our Yes Fresh in God. I believe God is going to enlarge my territory. Pray about throwing in with this ministry and let us win souls together. Love you all. Thanks for the prayers.
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About Me
- Fresh Fire Ministries
- Chelsea, Alabama, United States
- We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.
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Blog Archive
- I have been gone to see my kin folk out of town.
- From freezing cold to hot as a firecracker
- Thiis is another one of those days
- Prov. 24:6
- This ministry is all about keeping your relationsh...
- Politics and Religion
- Ever drop an egg and it not break?
- What are ya looking for ?
- Enjoy your salvation
- There is a Way to Walk if youre a Believer
- 66 Books of promise
- Condition accessement
- Excited about Jesus
- In circulation
- Worship today like it's your last day on earth
- It is still cold on the outside, but I got a fire ...
- Proverbs 8:13
- Thursday - game day
- The marks of the mission
- Jan. 5, 2010 and it's cold sho nuff
- It is just another good day to remember the Lord
- There's power in a name
- Happy New Year - 2010