Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last day of 2009
We have this day to contemplate what we would like to see happen in our lives in 2010. Without a plan we will struggle thru this year and rarely recieve our desires. A spiritual mind is life and peace. Let us strive for the mastery and we will get there. That place in God that only the Godly can go. Happy New Year everybody. May God grant your hearts desire this coming year.
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Let us eat some good Word today
How about a challenge. Reading the Word of God this year like you have never read it before. What do you think? You can read the newspaper till you have ink on your fingers, but your soul is starving to death. Our souls must be fed, not just our bodies. Eat the Word saints. Eat the Word for you, and for others. When you are fed you can feed others. This will keep our Fire Fresh.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
The joy of the Lord is our strenght.
How strong are you? I don't mean so much about physically but Spiritually. Our attitude is an indicator of our inward strenght. Ps. 16:11 " Thou wilt show me the path of life: In Thy Presence is fulness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for evermore." I think the operative words here are IN THY PRESENCE. The closer we get to God the stronger we get. Let us get strong in God ya'll.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Last Sunday and last week of 2009
What have we learned this year? If we look at the news, listen to the world's view of the world, and walk accordingly we will never have victory. Let us look in the Book, listen to the Spirit, and walk accordingly, then we will have victory. Victory in Jesus, My Savior forever! Praise God forever!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
God gives good gifts. We are to covet them.
To covet is to crave, or to desire. I really believe as we crave God's good gifts, we will recieve them. Gifts like rest, peace, power, bread of life, springs of living water, and eternal life. How precious is the Lord to you? I think that is a pretty good question. How about you?
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas everybody
Fresh Fire is more than words, it is an experience. Christmas was possible because of Christ obedience to the Father. Fresh Fire is possible because of our obedience to God's Word. Both are possible, both are gifts, and both are both historical, and both are relevant today. Stay fired up, and filled up with God's goodness. Christmas has a whole real meaning when the fire of the Holy Ghost is burning in our lives. Love you each one.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
As we get close to Christmas
It won't be long now before we open our gifts on Christmas day. Everyday is a gift from God to us. As we open our gifts, and as we open our eyes everyday think how they resemble one another. A gift is free. What we do with these gifts tell on us. We are identified by our actions, habits, language, heart, and thoughts. The gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ our Lord. Let us give God our life as a gift. Merry Christmas then has a whole new meaning.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Let all the people praise Him
Praise God today, and tomorrow, and next week, and you know where I'm going. Isn't it amazing how amazing God is. Isn't it wonderful how wonderful God is. Not everybody is gonna praise the Lord but I am. How about you? A thousand piece puzzle is incomplete when you have 999 pieces. The piece we are missing is found in Jesus. We will find Him if we search for Him with all our hearts. When we find Him let us praise Him. Sounds good to me.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Silent night doesn't mean keep silent
I love this song Silent Night. To me this is Christmas in song. The world seems to feel this way, that is those that have a Christian affiliation anyway. When Christmas is over, and the lights have been removed, and the tree either put away, or thrown away, do we still share Jesus in someway? Satan wants to give us all a case of Lock Jaw. Like some kind of lame law President Clinton came up with for our military - Don't ask - Don't tell. Who saved us from our sins? Who blesses us every day? Who loves us more than we could ever know?
Please Saints let us tell somebody today about Jesus. Stand up like men and women with conviction. Merry Christmas everybody.
Please Saints let us tell somebody today about Jesus. Stand up like men and women with conviction. Merry Christmas everybody.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Jesus - Man of Wonder
Do you ever wonder about Jesus? The Son of God, that became the Son of Man, so the Son's of Men could become the Son's of God. He never had a beginning for He is God. The only beginning we know is when Mary delivered this child, although she was a virgin. This child she delivered, delivered her. Jesus is awesome. Make sure you know Him before it is too late. When we believe in Him, our lives become wonderful. Praise God forever!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Time
Let us give God our time, and heart, and life. God gave this to us. Time is a gift of God by God for our benifit. What we do with time, can make you or break you. Eternity is a long time. If we give our life to God we win. What a waste it would be to live your whole life, and then die, and lose in the end. While we are giving gifts this year, let us give our lives and time to God for God.
Friday, December 18, 2009
One week untill
Next Friday will be Christmas. We have been given the greatest of all gifts, when we recieved Jesus. He is the gift that keep's on giving, and giving, and giving. Wonderful counseler, and Prince of Peace are just some of His titles. Let us give him our lives for our gift to Him. He is surely worth it ya'll.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
As a man thinketh so is he
We are where we are because we want to be. If I think small, I will stay small. I am what I am thru Christ, and will become worthy of big things if I stay humble. The powerful truth of the above sentence is "thru Christ". A narrow mind, and a big head often fit on the same fellow. A spiritual mind is life and peace. Something to think about ya'll.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Let us speak the wonderful works of God
Acts 2:11 "Cretes and Arabians, we do hear them speak in our tongues the wonderful works of God". This is after the 120 were baptised in the Holy Ghost, and they spoke in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. The Holy Ghost speaks of the Father. Real Spirit living will take us to new levels in the Lord. This new level will glorify the Lord in all we say, and in all we do. Are you baptised in the Holy Ghost. If not-- Why not? He is yours for the asking.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The heart of a real Christian is ever seeking more
Forgiveness is one of the awesome benifits of salvation. It is not the only benifit for the scriptures are full of the promises of God for the believer. The pentecostal experience is one of the promises of God for all believers. Speaking in tongues is Heavens language. Only God knows what is being said unless an interpretation is in order. Paul said I speak in tongues more than you all, but I would rather speak 5 words of understanding to see someone understand the gospel. Let us stay hungry for God ya'll.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Pentecost is still happening
Have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed? Salvation is an awesome experience, and is made available to us thru the shed blood of Jesus. This is done by the work of the Holy Ghost as one repents of their sin and gives their life to Christ. The promise of the Father to us that are saved is the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance. This was first experienced on the day of Pentecost, and has been avilable to all believers since. If you haven't recieved this gift from God pray for this baptism. I will talk more tomorrow about Pentecost. The wise still seek Him. Seek Him everybody.
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Sunday is here let us give God praise
Praise is from the heart. Days are from God, and should be used for God. Put em together and we get daily praise for God. Let us keep our praise on ya'll.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Have a faithful Christmas
Christmas and faith. You really can't have one without the other. When lights come out of the box, and the tree's are up in the house this should be a testimony of the true light, and life that comes thru Christ. How good it is to know Jesus. Let us celebrate Him everyday OK. Love you all.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Psalms 101:3
" I will set no wicked thing before mine eyes: I hate the work of them that turn aside; it shall not cleave to me." Our eyes are the window to the soul. It is hard to erase the images we see. It is like velcro to our cloths. It is sticky. God forgives us of our past sins, but it is up to us to keep ourselves in the love of God. We are still responsible for our will's. Let us look to Jesus ya'll. He is worth looking at.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
How good is God
There is no way to measure how awesome and wonderful God is. There is not a measuring stick that is big enough to measure how good God really is to us. Books have been written, songs have been sung, Preachers have preached it, and all men experience the goodness of God. He is good all the time ya'll. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! Let us get to know Him personally OK.
It is raining inside?
Do you ever feel like the Lord is raining drops of blessings in your soul? I mean a Holy Ghost downpour that changes everything for the good. I crave these rains don't you? God will send this shower when we want that shower. How bad do you want this rain? Fresh Fire is for all of us. Lord give us revival and let it start with me. Love you all.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Nothing like a made up mind
Without a made up mind nothing will really ever be worth much. A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. A single thought can be powerful if it is a thought worth thinking. Jesus - now He is worth thinking about. Born sinless, lived sinless, and died because He took our sins upon Himself who knew no sin. Wow. Merry Christ mas ya'll.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
What is it that moves you
Our hearts are an open book and are read by God. We can be fooled by our hearts for our heart is decietful above all things and desperately wicked. What moves us tells on us. Flesh verses the Spirit. Keeping your Yes Fresh in God is vital to our spiritual health.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Stay excited in Christ ya'll
If we get excited about anything let us get excited about Jesus. Ball games can be fun to watch, and even get involved in, but watch how involved you get. Involvement in the Kingdom of God is good for you, and me. The more we get to know Christ the more exciting our lives can become. It is when we lose our excitement for God that we should be alarmed.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Mary said her soul doth magnify the Lord
We are pieced together in 3 parts. Body, Soul, and Spirit. Soul = Mind, Emotion, and Will. Our thoughts, our excitement of things, and our drive is by and for God. Sin will mess us up, but God will take our mess and make us a message. Mary became a messenger first by her excitement for God. How about our souls? Do our souls magnify the Lord? If not - why not?
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Got room?
My house has several rooms. Every room has more stuff than the law allows. Seems like I can't put any thing else in them. Maybe your house is like that. Our hearts have rooms. Full of sin or full of God. There really is no half way salvation. From the abundance of the heart proceeds........... Give God room to move in your life and your life will take on a whole new dimension. Think about it.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
In the jail house now
Prison, jail, lockup, shackled. Names for being in bondage. Too many are in jail and don't mind it. 3 hots, and a cot. But wait there is much more to this picture. No freedom is the first thing I think of. Reminds me of sin. Bondage to Satan, no freedom to enjoy real quality of life, a very dim future awaits someone in sin. Have you been set free thru Christ? If not - why not?
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Let us be movers for God
I stood by Yellow Leaf creek the other day and watched a limb go by, and over some rapids, and disappear. I thought to myself this water is moving on. Have we been standing on the premises, and hoping for the promises, and doing nothing to recieve them? The Holy Ghost will cause a move of faith, and power in our lives if we seek Him. I'm talking about fire ya'll. Fire moves. Fresh Fire is for those whose fire has gone out, or was close to it. We fit in 3 categories - Standing, Stagnating, or Moving. The ? is which one do we fit in?
Monday, November 30, 2009
Faith is more than trust
Faith is a gift, and is also a fruit of the Spirit. It is not merely believing in, or trusting something. It is from God for God, and us. We recieve faith from God, for the avenue for God to travel. Now that's heavy saints!
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Christmas preparations
From now on untill after December everything everywhere is going to be centered around Christmas. Trees, and garland, and lights, and such are everywhere. Let us prepare our lives to be living Ornaments of grace. When folks see the decorations there is no doubt what it is all about. Our lives are being seen as what we are. Something to think about.
Friday, November 27, 2009
A good day for hope
Hope is the glue that holds Faith and Love together. Without hope we are hopeless. Man cannot live without hope. With hope we can expect a miricle. In fact miricle is not in God's plan. He is and therefore he does. Amen!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
What a great God we serve. If we thanked God 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, we could never thank Him enough. Let us never take for granted that we deserve the blessings we recieve. Love you all. Thank you for your prayers and support this year. I thanks God for you all.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Faith and thanksgiving.
Faith is the awesome power of God to see things that you want, as if you already had them. It is proper for us to thank the Lord for these good things. I believe and I thanks God for victory. Love you all.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
No room for complaints
Have you ever been around someone that complains all the time? I personally don't like to hang around with somebody like that - do you? Neither does God. God hangs around the praiser's, not the complainer's. One can't praise and complain with the same heart. We are either salt & light, or we are unsavory & dark. Hmmmmmmmm. Something to think about. Love you all.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Think about thanks.
To thank is an attribute from Heaven. Hell has nothing to offer but torment. I need a little Heaven to go to Heaven in. This is an old song with a relevent meaning. The more Heaven in us the more thanks we display, and communicate. Be verbal in thanks, and humble in recieving it. God is good. Let us be good, as God gives us the capabilities of doing well.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
No joy = too much space
Ps. 16:11says in part "in the presence of God is fullness of joy". The closer we get to God the more joy we have. This is one way we can gage our spiritual vitality. So how is it in your soul?
Saturday, November 21, 2009
I am a thankful man
To be thankful is anti-satanic. Satan deserves no praise. Let us be a thankful person and God (from whom our attitude of gratitude comes from anyway) recieves the praise. Thanks and gratitude are cousins, so is praise and gladness. This family of faith is nothing but pure dee good. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Friday, November 20, 2009
The Kingdom of God is in power not just word
1 Cor. 4:20 is where the title of this little message came from. People talk. Our heart is the reservoir from where the true content of our words come from. One baptised in the Holy Ghost, and that speaks in other tongues as the Spirit of God gives the utterance, speaks a language beyond earthly understanding. These are truly powerful words, for they came from a truly powerful God, for a truly powerful war against our souls.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hello ya'll. Do something worth doing today!
This morning the Lord opened our eyes. What we saw was the result of what we think. As a man thinks so is he. The Lord has given us this day to represent Him in the world - our world. I can't live where I don't live. Where I am I can be the hand of God, the mouth of God, and the light of God. Let us Do, not just talk about it. Amen!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Amazing is the only word for Grace
How rotten have some of us been. I mean crooks, liars, adulterers, murderers, and the whole gammit of sins we have been guity of. When I got saved, I knew it. It felt like 10,000 pounds fell off my back. I was amazed. I am still amazed. There really is no other word for grace than amazing. Wow. How is your amazed level? Still fresh or gone stale. Fresh Fire is our opportunity to be used by and for God. God restores, and refreshes if we need Him He is always there.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Oh God give us the Spirit of Faith
The Word is Faith Food. Feed your faith, and starve your doubts is something we need to do as believers. A Spirit of Faith will give us confidence over what looks like imposibilities in our lives. Nothing is impossible with God. One mind, one heart, and one aim for us - to please God. Without faith it is impossible to please God. How are you doing in the God pleasing department?
Monday, November 16, 2009
3 Positions
Ps. 1:1 talks about Walking right, Standing right, and Sitting right. Good council from God's Word will help us walk right, hanging out with the right people will help us stand right, and sitting at the feet of Jesus and being thankful for what we have, will help us sit right. These 3 positions will tell off on you. Heaven and Hell are decided by the way we walk, stand, and sit.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
It is just another good day to remember the Lord
It is always a good thing to remember good things. Let us never take for granted the good that God is. Because of His goodness to us, let us be good to others. This represents more to the unbeliever's than all the words we could say. This is the witness that they will ever remember. All for God is the drive of Fresh Fire.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Somethings you can do yourself, somethings you can't
Today I replaced the fuel pump which was in the gas tank of my Jeep Cherokee. It saved me hundreds of dollars. Praise the Lord for this opportunity. My and your souls are messed up and we can't fix them up on our own. This is one thing that only God can fix, and He won't do that unless we ask.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Soul salvation
Yesterday at Billy Thomson's funeral at least 12 gave their lives to Christ. That makes 20+ that have done so since he found out he had cancer 2 months, and 3 weeks ago. He prayed Lord make me an Evangelist. The Lord did, and the Lord will in our lives. All souls are God's, but the soul that sin's will die. What are you doing about soul salvation in your area of influence? Put your hand's to the plow ya'll, and get with it. You can be God's instrument today!
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Everything breaks down except God
It is good for us to know that God doesn't have the flaw's that everything else has. He never changes, He never fails, & He never moves from the position of Holiness. Let us change our focus from us to Him. Let us take our failures and lay them at His feet, and let us move from our position of rebellion to God, to a position of rest at His feet. We can depend on God, can He depend on us?
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Somebody said there were 36,000 promises in the Bible. Some we want, some we don't. Salvation, joy, peace, mercy, hope, divine healing and Heaven are some of the ones we want. Hell, sickness, hate, turmoil are some of the promises for those that don't surrender to God's will. How is your soul tonight?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Another one crosses the finish line
My friend, and brother in Christ, Billy Thomas left this life at 1:28 pm yesterday. His last breath here become the last bond Billy had on this earth. The next breath Billy enjoyed the presence of the Almighty. He is not sick anymore, and will not be sick again. Wow. Thanks for your prayers. Let us draw nigh to God ya'll. One day we will cross the finish line. Only the faithful will gain a crown. Let us be faithful. Love you all.
Monday, November 9, 2009
It's the little things that make up the big things
The longer I live the more I understand it's the little things that are important. Start with Jesus and things will surely fall in place. Have a great day and remember to take care of the small things. It's the small things added up that make up all the big things in life. If the small things are good, so will the big things be. Praise the King of all things. Love you all.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Good morning saints
There is just something about mornings to me. Let us cherish so much the mercy that is renewed day by day. Too many people take for granted the day the Lord gives us, and never, or very rarely, ever give God thanks. This morning let us praise the Savior of our souls with our whole hearts. Pray for Billy Thomas, and his good wife Cheryl. He is fixing to cross the eternal river that seperates us and Heaven. He is fixing to experience a new morning never to get old. Praise God forever! My wife Linda Ann says Hi to you all.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Glory to God in the highest
When we experience Heaven we get to know a little what the glory of God is like. Unexplainable richness of spirit is one way to describe it. Wow let us draw close to God ya'll. Pray and stay in His prescence and we can know more than this world could ever give. Rich or poor, God will bless all who come to Him in faith. Praise God forever!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
See you all Monday
To let you know that my home computer is in the shop and I am going to be off tomorrow. Keep your nose in the Book, and your knee's on the ground. Pray that this computer will get fixed quickly. Listen to WURL, 760 AM at 7:30 am on Saturday morning for the Fresh Fire broadcast OK. Love you all in Jesus name. Bye now.
Smile ya'll it improves your face value - Ha.
Have you ever noticed the smile, or lack thereof, on a persons face. A smile represents happy. "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine" says Proverbs 17:22. A merry heart comes from an encounter with Jesus Christ. How is your happy level?
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Blessed means happy
"Blessed is every one that feareth the Lord; that walketh in His ways." Ps. 128:1 says a man is happy if he fears the Lord. A right fear in the right thing or person is healthy.Satan wants to be feared. Why? He has no power over you unless you let him have it.Happy, and Blessed are in the same categorie.Sad, and cursed are the result of sin. Rightousness is from God for God. God is good all the time. He is good to us that in itself should make us happy. Wow.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Looking for some feedback
If you have read these blogs, and they are a blessing to you please let me know. I value your comments. Praise God forever!
Morning my friends. Because means due to the reason. Ps. 63:3 " Because thy lovingkindness is better than life, my lips shall praise thee". We were lost but now have been found. Praise God because of this alone.
Monday, November 2, 2009
294 out of 958
This evangelistic tool we called the Haunting Truth netted 294 souls, ( 118 saved, 176 recommittments ). This was out of 958 that came thru. It took 90 people to do this, and more praying for this than we know. Win somebody to Jesus ya'll. Preach it, teach it, yell it, tell it, act it, live it, speak it, walk it, as vessels unto honor for God the Father thru God the Son, by the power of God the Holy Ghost. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, October 30, 2009
No Halloween you know what I mean
There is just no need to honor the booger man. You and I are made by God for God, so was Satan. He decided against serving God and decided he wanted to be served by God. God said NO. We need to do the same thing and tell the devil NO. I will talk to you all Monday as my computer is in the shop and should be out sometime. Untill then pray, pray, and pray again. I will let you know the full result of the souls saved during this Haunting Truth at my church - Chelsea Community Church. So far we have seen 138 saved. Whewwwww!
Another good report
We had 181 come through this Haunted Truth last night. This is close to 500 in 3 nights. We have two more nights left. So far we have had over 120 (+ - )saved and or rededicate their lives to Christ. I believe if you need to rededicate your life to Christ you were in bad shape spiritually anyway. How many times does a man need to hit the altar - I say as many as it takes to live right.Praise God forever!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
A good report
Hello fellow saints. Last night we had 45 give their lives to God. Praise God forever! The Haunting Truth is the drama name, and souls are our aim. Chelsea Community Church on County Road 39. Pray for this endeavor OK. This is the first night. We have 3 more nights to go. Love you all.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
How important is God to us?
What is first in our lives becomes evident when we are confronted with life. To use God, verses trusting God, is our option. Trouble comes many pray. Trouble leaves many don't pray. Praying is important. Real prayer is trusting God by faith, and not changing whether in trouble or not. Fresh Fire is not just words. Fresh Fire is life or death. How important should God be to us? You decide.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
On being a Crook or being a Christian
As the tree falls so shall it be. A crook is a bent or curved part, or a swindler. A man bent on his own ways cannot please God. We, as Christians, should strive to please God by following His ways/ His Word. You can't be both.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Faith and Fervor brings Favor
Hello you all. Hell is not a place prepared for us that believe. Heaven is. Faith in God, and the desire for God brings fire, and that will bring God's favor. We cannot go or grow without God's favor. Love you all. Praise God forever!
Friday, October 23, 2009
Share Jesus with somebody today
This Sunday I will be preaching a Pastor Appreciation service in Elberta, Al. What an honor. I witnessed to this good man in 1990. He recieved Christ, and didn't stop there. His name is Bro. Carl Stockley. Share Jesus ya'll, you just never know who will take you up on it. Lives depend on this.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Death is our last enemy
According to 1 Cor. 15:26 the last enemy to be destroyed is death. We were made to live not die. In sin all die. In sin you can't win. In sin Satan laughs at our plight. In Christ all this reverses. In Christ is life and His life becomes the light of men. Run to Jesus ya'll. Praise God forever!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
My friend crossed the bridge
To cross a bridge means going from one location to another over the bridge. Some roads will not get you to the bridge, some bridges fail and you can't cross in safety. The cross became the bridge between Heaven and Earth, life and death. Jesus is the only mediator between God and man. Ricky Craig crossed this lifes bridge Monday night at 1:30 am. No more pain, no more trouble, no more fight. Pray for Rhonda that she will stay strong untill we all cross the bridge to life.Praise God forever!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Level thinking
In surveying we often use a level to see what the elevation, or grade of some object. Whether it is the ground, or a pipe, or a top or bottom of a slope. A spiritual mind is life and peace. A carnal mind is enmity with God. Enmity means enemy. You can't have both and have level thinking. Think about it.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Monday, Monday something about that day.
The day after Sunday is a tell tell day. It will show the world what your Sunday was like. When we really expierence the presence of God something about our lives gets changed. The spirit of man is moved by the Spirit of God. The outward sign of the touch of God is joy unspeakable. Show off your healthy spirit with a good attitude of gratitude. Whewwwwwwwwwwww..... Love you all in Jesus name.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
From warm to cold overnight
Hello everyone. May whats happened with the weather not happen to our spiritual lives. I've seen folks shout, pout, and walk out. It's those that stick it out that make a difference. Fresh Fire is essential. Stay red hot in Jesus and we won't get cold in the midnight hour. Pray for Ricky Craig, and his good wife Rhonda. He won't be long for this world, but the good news is he has surrendered his life to Christ.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Are you wet yet?
The Lord promised living water to the thirsty soul. The requirement was be thirsty. Drink your fill and drink enough to share with others. Evangelism is the heartbeat of the church. If you're dry you'll die. Get wet from head to toe and then go. The first two letters of God is go. The first three letters of Satan is sat. Get up and get going saints. Praise God forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Praise God forever!
Well hello ya'll. God is an awesome God isn't He. We can overcome all obstacles thru Christ. Let us go forward in faith today. Satan is a liar and a loser. We are victorious as we live by the Word. Praise is our opportunity to show God how much we appreciate the goodness He has shown us. Praise God forever!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Hope is the glue
I like peanut butter and red plum jam. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm. I like fresh bread, but if all I had was fresh bread there would be something else needed to make a sandwich. The peanut butter and red plum jam. Three great ingredients of a successful spiritual life are Faith, Hope, and Love. Hope is the glue that holds Faith and Love together. Life is so much better with Jesus. Praise God forever! This weekend my wife and I are going to Vicksburg to help put a roof on the inlaws house. I'll check back with you as soon as I can. Love you all. Bro. Eddie
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Are you one of them Wednesday night Christians?
Sunday morning worship is good. Wednesday nights are so important that the enemy of our souls wants to discount it for our survival in God. Taking for granted the golden opportunity given to us to worship God at all times is dangerous. Love the Lord all ye saints. If you are reading this and you aren't a saint, today is a wonderful day to surrender to Jesus. Everyday is a day to praise Him.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
This is the hour to shine Saints
This world is in trouble. Darkness is on everyhand and people are more blind than ever. With all the information on the news, TV, & internet it looks like people would be more knowledgeable of the times. The Bible is still the most reliable book in the world. Get close to God and let Him shine from you.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Monday is here! God is here! What a combination.
Don't you just love Mondays? I mean after being filled up with God's goodness on Sunday we get to spill our joy over everyone we can. I do hope you did get your cup filled up enough to share Jesus with someone. Enjoy this day. Enjoy everyday. Enjoy life thru Christ and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. Whewww!!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Sunday is another good day to worship God
Well praise the Lord everybody. Let us do it with a pure heart. Today 34 years ago my daughter Corinne was born. She is awesome. A great Christian, a great Mother, and a great daughter, I love you Corinne. Happy Birthday to you from me.Family is so important. What ever you have done God forgives. Trust Him. Have a great day in the Lord.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Staying close to God
Hello everyone. May God impress upon each of us the hunger for his Word, the desire for the prayer closet, the power to witness, and the annointing that comes with Gods presence. Love you all. Linda and I are changing churchs. We are going to be a part of Chelsea Community Church. We leave CLC with nothing but love. We feel like this is our new mission field. Praise God forever!
Friday, October 2, 2009
How great is Gods goodness ya'll
Hello saints. This is Friday and God is good. He was good yesterday and He will be good tomorrow. Ps. 31: 19 & 20 is worth looking at. Tonight at Radio Park will be the last Gospel Jubilee, lots of singing and fellowship. I will be playing bass with Triumphant Sounds. Remember in the morning 7:30 "Fresh Fire" broadcast on WURL, 760 AM. Tune in. This is the first of many I pray. Love you all.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
This day is not by chance
Hello all you who check this website out. I don't know who you are but God doe's. God know's all of you. How do you feel about what He is looking at right now? This day is not by chance it is by Divine selection. God has given this day, let us make the best of it by giving it back to Him. Love you all in Christ. Remember Sat. Oct. 3 at 7:30 am on WURL, 760 AM radio, "Fresh Fire". Tune in OK. I am excited in the Holy Ghost. This is to be 15 minutes untill we have enough support for 30 minutes.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
To have one - be one.
Friends are so important. Pro. 18:24 " A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother."
A friend defined is an ally, a supporter, an advocate, a comrade, or a defender.
Thank you for being my friend. Thank God for the sticky kind of friendship that comes with salvation. Let us draw nigh to God, and to one another.
A friend defined is an ally, a supporter, an advocate, a comrade, or a defender.
Thank you for being my friend. Thank God for the sticky kind of friendship that comes with salvation. Let us draw nigh to God, and to one another.
Monday, September 28, 2009
Good morning to everyone.
Hello everybody. Don't you just love mornings. It was the morning after the cross, Christ death and resurrection, that the tomb was found to be empty. Folks can look for His body, but there ain't nobody there. Whewwwwwwww!
Christ lives and because of His life we can live. Are you alive in Christ? If not, why not? Don't waste another day without Christ. Love you all- Bro. Eddie
Christ lives and because of His life we can live. Are you alive in Christ? If not, why not? Don't waste another day without Christ. Love you all- Bro. Eddie
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Somebody ought to just praise the Lord!
Hello everybody. Praise God forever! I have really enjoyed the Spirit of God today. I do everyday. How about you? Keep your "Yes Fresh" in God. Fresh is new. Please, what ever you do, don't let your experience in Christ get old. It is so important for you and I to stay close to the Cross. I love you because of God's love for me. Remember this coming Saturday, Oct. 3, will be my first broadcast on WURL radio, 760 AM. at 7:30 am. I love mornings and I trust this will be a blessing to someone. Fresh Fire is essential. Bye for now.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Let us get close to God today
Hello everybody. Today is a special day. It is a gift from God. Let us live as a gift back to God. Don't you love Him. Praise God forever! Have a wonderful day in Christ.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Another good day to praise the Lord ya'll.
Hello everybody. God is good all the time isn't He. I want to say thankyou to all you that have shown an interest in this website. I am excited about what the Lord is doing and am honored to be a part of the ministry. I asked for your prayers as I do the work of an evangelist. As of this writing I am happy to inform you of 7 that have come to Christ in the last week. Keep your nose in the Book and your knees on the ground. Praise God forever!
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Treat your Bible like your cell phone
Ever wondered what would happen if we treated our Bible like we treat our cell phones? What if we carried it around in our purse or pocket? What if we flipped through it several times a day? What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it? What if we used it to receive messages from the text? What if we treated it like we couldn't live without it? What if we gave it to the kids as gifts? What if we used it when we traveled? What if we used it in the case of emergency? Does this make you think, where's my Bible? And unlike our cell phone, we don't have to worry about our Bible being disconnected because Jesus has already paid the bill. New Radio Broadcast Starting in Oct.
I am happy to announce that I will begin preaching on WURL in Moody, Al, beginning in Oct., Saturday mornings from 7:30 - 7:45. Please tune in your AM radio to hear some powerful preaching!
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About Me
- Fresh Fire Ministries
- Chelsea, Alabama, United States
- We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.
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- Last day of 2009
- Let us eat some good Word today
- The joy of the Lord is our strenght.
- Last Sunday and last week of 2009
- God gives good gifts. We are to covet them.
- Merry Christmas everybody
- As we get close to Christmas
- Let all the people praise Him
- Silent night doesn't mean keep silent
- Jesus - Man of Wonder
- Christmas Time
- One week untill
- As a man thinketh so is he
- Let us speak the wonderful works of God
- The heart of a real Christian is ever seeking more
- Pentecost is still happening
- Sunday is here let us give God praise
- Have a faithful Christmas
- Psalms 101:3
- How good is God
- It is raining inside?
- Nothing like a made up mind
- What is it that moves you
- Stay excited in Christ ya'll
- Mary said her soul doth magnify the Lord
- Got room?
- In the jail house now
- Let us be movers for God
- Faith is more than trust
- Christmas preparations
- A good day for hope
- Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
- Faith and thanksgiving.
- No room for complaints
- Think about thanks.
- No joy = too much space
- I am a thankful man
- The Kingdom of God is in power not just word
- Hello ya'll. Do something worth doing today!
- Amazing is the only word for Grace
- Oh God give us the Spirit of Faith
- 3 Positions
- It is just another good day to remember the Lord
- Somethings you can do yourself, somethings you can't
- Soul salvation
- Everything breaks down except God
- 36,000
- Another one crosses the finish line
- It's the little things that make up the big things
- Good morning saints
- Glory to God in the highest
- See you all Monday
- Smile ya'll it improves your face value - Ha.
- Blessed means happy
- Looking for some feedback
- Because
- 294 out of 958
- No Halloween you know what I mean
- Another good report
- A good report
- How important is God to us?
- On being a Crook or being a Christian
- Faith and Fervor brings Favor
- Share Jesus with somebody today
- Death is our last enemy
- My friend crossed the bridge
- Level thinking
- Monday, Monday something about that day.
- From warm to cold overnight
- Are you wet yet?
- Praise God forever!
- Hope is the glue
- Are you one of them Wednesday night Christians?
- This is the hour to shine Saints
- Monday is here! God is here! What a combination.
- Sunday is another good day to worship God
- Staying close to God
- How great is Gods goodness ya'll