Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Happy Resurrection Day
3 days dead was enough for Jesus. He kicked death in the teeth and got up from that tomb. There is just something about death. Dead = no feeling, no movement, nothing said, or done. There is no challange in being dead, and No convictions. What about your life? Does it resemble death, or life. In real life we feel, we move, we say something, and we do something - By and For God. I love you each one and want you to know how much I appreciate your prayers, and your encouragements. God bless you abundantly everyone with Holy Ghost annointing, and Resurrection Power. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Repent or perish
Last night at the Shelby Co. Jail the Lord really blessed. Several got saved, a quite a few rededicated their lives to Jesus. I asked them to pray after me, I gave them the words to say, but I could not do a thing about their hearts. If a man is not convinced he is a sinner, and that sin stinks, and is convinced he can't save himself, and REPENTS, he can't be saved. This is the work of God. When it really is God's Spirit dealing with a man, the man is broken and this gives way for the Lord to move in and remove that sin. If the man gets up from the altar and does the same old things he was convicted of in the first place, there has been NO Conversion.. Repent or perish. This is God's Word, no if's, and's, or but's.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring has sprung but ..........
Friday was the official day of Spring. It was beautiful. I loved it, how about you? Today - Sunday - the thermometer is dropping as I speak. I understand life is like this. Sometimes we're up, and sometimes we're down. Thank God He never changes. He remains the same. We can trust Him no matter what. Keeping our Yes Fresh in God is not always easy, but is always possible. Let us lean heavy on Him, and take heart. We are winners in God. Praise God forever!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord
Holiness is one essential the Lord has made a requirement for any of us to see Him. What is Holiness? It is nothing we can do, because of our fallability. It is God in us, that removes our sin, and our desire for sin. It is conviction of anything not pleasing to God. We know it as a holy cleansing or Sanctification. Paul wrote to those Sanctified, so did Peter. Sanctification = Hagadion = Get the world out. No longer do we continue with the same stinking habits we had before we were saved, and sanctified. The blood of Jesus does the miricle of grace in our lives. Ask God for this doctrine called Sanctification, it is available for the asking. Some say I am trying to quit smoking, or drugging, or drinking, or what ever. Sanctified people have had the desire removed by the blood of Jesus. A second work of grace available to all that ask God thru Jesus Christ. So good to live Holy. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Good communications
Eph. 4:25 " Each one of you speak truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. " How important it is for us to speak truthfully with one another. A lie is communication of the worst kind. You can only depend on truth, you cannot depend on a lie. Christ is pure truth. We can depend on Him all the time.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Watching the Biggest loser and thinking
It is easier to gain weight than to lose it. The biggest loser is about the one that has lost the most pounds. In the spiritual realm too many saints eat too few God calories to get their souls fat. We need to take heed to both our Souls and our bodies. Let us take heed to what God has to offer. It is good for us.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Encouragement is like adding fuel to the fire
Too many times we run out of excitement due to the attack of the enemy and all the heavy stuff that life is so full of. This is the time encouragement can help us make it. 1 Thes. 5:14--- has 14 exhortations. These exhortations are encouragements. If we follow Gods Word we will be be encouraged and this encouragement will cause us to encourage others. One good turn deserves another. A little encouragement is worth a priceless amount.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Our faith is not in the wisdom of men, but the power of God.
1 Cor. 2:5 says all we need to know about where our faith comes from, and where it is going. Faith is more than mere belief. It is so much more than that. Men believe in all manner of things but true faith comes from God for God. Idol worship comes in many forms, even our church can become Idols to us if we don't watch out. Keep your relationship fresh in God, and our faith stays alive. The Holy Ghost gives us power for service, and power to believe & have confidence in God.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord " 1 Cor. 1:31 "
Glory means to "rejoice proudly". Before you jump ahead with the pre thought of proud anything let us think for a minute. Pride comes in two forms. Good pride is being proud of where you are, but knowing you didn't get there by yourself. You had help to reach this place and you acknowledge God and the others that helped you make this plateau. Bad pride is thinking you reached this place by yourself and doesn't acknowledge anyone but yourself. To glory is also to lift up in praise, and honor. Wow. What a great God we serve, and how awesome is He to usward not willing any should perish, but have everlasting life.
Keep your Yes Fresh in God, and give Him all the praise you can while you can. By the way it's OK with God to get a little radical with your praise, and I sure don't mind it either.
Keep your Yes Fresh in God, and give Him all the praise you can while you can. By the way it's OK with God to get a little radical with your praise, and I sure don't mind it either.
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About Me
- Fresh Fire Ministries
- Chelsea, Alabama, United States
- We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.
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- Happy Resurrection Day
- Repent or perish
- Spring has sprung but ..........
- Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord
- Good communications
- Watching the Biggest loser and thinking
- Encouragement is like adding fuel to the fire
- Our faith is not in the wisdom of men, but the pow...
- He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord " 1 Co...