Monday, January 31, 2011
If you read this at all.................
Hey ya'll. Praise God forever! I wonder how many are reading this blog at all. I mean I want to connect with others who believe that we need Fresh Fire, and have confidence that they can have it. Please sign the guest book if you do read this, or have even checked it out. Leave me a message on e-mail if you want to at, or I am also on facebook. I would really like to know. Love you all.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
He died as he spoke in tongues
When I got saved way back on June 8, 1975, I was blessed to have as my new brother and sister Grady and Donny Smelly. Bro. Grady's mother Sis. Smelly shared her testimony a few minutes before I gave my life to Christ. It was her testimony that helped open my eye's to my lost condition, and what I was missing. Bro. Grady was 81 and had a heart condition. Sat. or Sunday Sis. Donny took him to the emergency room in Pensacola, Fla. Sis. Donny was rubbing his back, he spoke in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance, and he took his last breath on earth. I wonder what he is seeing now - Wow.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
It takes good ground to grow a good crop
Jesus talkes about seed being thrown on hard ground, rocky ground, and thorny ground, and good ground. Which do you think represents your heart. Hard, rocky, thorny, or good. A hard heart cannot recieve any seed for the roots cannpt penetrate, the rocky heart leaves a little room for soil, but mostly rock. A little leaven leavaneth the whole lump. The thorny heart has too many cares and deciets of this world to produce a good crop. It will overtake the good and choke it out. The good heart will recieve the good seed, and produce a good crop. Only a relationship with Christ will make our hearts good. Something to think about isn't it. Love you all.
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
God IS.
Hello everybody. I appreciate you tuning in to Fresh Fire website. It means a lot to me that you have taken your time to look me up. I believe God, and that God IS. According to Ps. 18:2 God IS several things. More importantly He IS to ME these 7 things. He IS MY Rock, MY DELIVERER, MY GOD, MY STRENGHT, MY BUCKLER, MY SALVATION, and MY HIGH TOWER. Our God IS a personal God for every person, everywhere in this world. Let us get to know Him like He wants us too OK. Love you all.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Hey it's Tuesday Jan. 11, 2011. We are spending time.......
Everybody is spending time, spending time. Whatever it is that we do, we are spending time doing it. Is the time you're spending worth spending time on? The scripture says " Redeem the time, for the day's are evil." Seems like everything we see or hear anymore on TV, or Radio, or at work, or anywhere these day's is bordering on evil in one way or the other. Redeem = Buy back. Let us not waste our time on things that gender strife, or confusion, or sin. Spend time with God ya'll. Keep your Fire Fresh OK. Love you all.
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Happy Holy Ghost filled New Year everybody.
Well 2011 is here and what we do with it is up to us. Read the Word and recieve your marching orders Saints. Trying to do ministry on our own, and in our own power will result in failure. Seek the Lord for all He has for you. A saved experience is just the beginning. God has many blessings in store for the believer like Sanctification, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost. The gifts of the Spirit will only work in a Spirit filled believer. Have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed? May the Lord thrill you, and fill you with all spiritual blessing this year. Don't give up, but look up. Love you all.
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About Me
- Fresh Fire Ministries
- Chelsea, Alabama, United States
- We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.