Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Near Christmas everybody.
I have recieved so much this year that a forest could not hold all the presents, if they were possible to wrap each one. I'm talking about billions of gifts that most often cannot be seen with the physical eye. Zillions of things operating inside this healthy body that happen a day. All created by our mighty God. Our God is stronger than strong, He is wiser than our understanding can wrap itself around. I am so thankful to know Him. Merry Christmas everybody. Praise God forever!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Christmas only a week and a day away
Christmas time is a coming and will be here shortly. Lots of shopping, and traveling, and visiting a going on. Over 2,000 years ago life was a little slower than it is today. Time stops for no man, but we can stop in time to smell the roses, and take the opportunities to do good to/for our fellow man. Share love where love is slim. Share joy where joy is non existant. I believe the root of this is Share. It is hard to have Christmas alone. Share Jesus everybody. Please others are looking for a real Jesus. There is a song that says "Jesus be Jesus in me, no longer me but thee. Resurrection power, fill me this hour, Jesus be Jesus in me." Merry Christmas ya'll.
Monday, December 13, 2010
I can see clearly now
Hey everybody. It's Monday and beautiful. I had Lasik Eye Surgery done last Thursday, and amazingly I can see without glasses for the first time in nearly 60 years. I tell you I feel like a miricle has happened to me. This is what happens when a man gets saved, really saved. From darkness to light, from Satan to God is the Born Again experience. Christ is God with us. I love Him do you? Oh come let us adore Him, Christ the Lord. I can see both physically, and spiritually. It is nothing less than amazing. Merry Christ mas ya'll.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Friday is here - Sunday is on the way
Well glory to God everybody. This is Dec. 3, 2010. Last month of this year, and the first week of the month. How is your walk with God? Aren't you glad there is forgiveness of sins, and restoration of spirit in Christ. If you mess up - fess. If you don't you will fester up, and start stinking. Sounds funny but it is true. Keep your Yes Fresh in God ya'll. Fresh Fire is a life lived today for God.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Lot of rain
It has been raining all day. A lot of rain not just a little rain. When it has been as dry as it has been around here a little rain is a good thing. There is a problem with a little rain when it has been so dry for so long, is that the feeder roots move to the surface to drink what they can to survive. This is good for a temporary fix, but if no rain falls in a certain time frame then these feeder roots dry out and die, and thus the tree either dies or is severally hurt. Growth is stunted, and could eventually kill the tree. This will preach. Get deep in God ya'll, and not just surface deep. Keep your fire fresh, and let the glory of the Lord show up in you. Glory!!
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Time for revival
It's time to get revived in the church world. I'm talking about some Holy Ghost annointed Hell stomping power packed self conviction from God. How close are you to God today as compared to last year, or last week. Come on ya'll pray up. Fresh is new, pliable, smells good. How ya smelling today. Revival today.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Thanksgiving should never end
I love Thanksgiving. A day to be grateful. Let us never be quite about how good God has been to us. Tell it, yell it, shout it, sing it, dance it, preach it, live it everyday. Love you all.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Paper or Plastic
Morning everybody. When you go to the grocery store we are often asked this question. Paper or Plastic of course is reffering to what kind of tote bag do you want. Paper used to be the only choice we had a while back. Different size sacks for all kinds of stuff. It could only hold so much, and was much easier to tear, or bust, when overpacked. Plastic is the alternative to paper now, and so we have been given a choice. Plastic is stronger, will not often tear as easy as paper, and will last for years. Paper is biodegradeable, plastic is not so. Our souls are not biodegradeable, but our bodies are. We will stand before God and hear one of two things. Depart from me ye that work iniquity, or Enter thou in to the joy of the Lord thou good and faithful servent. Which one do you want to hear? Live in such a way as to hear the Well done. Just a thought.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Praise both from the outside, and the inside
When you and I give praise we do it because we think someone or something is praise worthy. God is. Period. No if's, and's, or but's. Let us get on with our praise 24/7. God is so good to us how can we not give the Lord of glory the praise due to Him. Keep your fire fresh saints.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fresh = Pliable
One meaning for Fresh is pliable. This means someone that God can mold in His image. A Christian is someone that is Christlike. Our habits show the inward desires of our hearts. Good vs Bad is the daily battle we have. Sin or Rightousness is decided on daily. Our Word level = our Victory level. A spiritual mind is life and peace. A carnal mind is an enemy of God. Fresh Fire is essential. This is the anointing that breaks the yoke of sin. Have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed?
Monday, November 1, 2010
Heaven vs Hell
Heaven is a real place for the winners in life. A winner is defined as "One who wins". That is actually what the Websters Dictionary says. Winners make right choices. Life is about choices. We live and die by the choices we make. Jesus says "Come unto Me". Jesus says "He came to give us life and that abundantly."
Hell is a real place for the loser. Loser is defined as "One who loses". The word lose = to fail, to miss the mark, to waste, to wander from the way. The screams, and cries, and prayers of all eternity will never be heard by God again. Oh the horror of an eternity without hope. The terror of torment, and the blackness of eternal darkness is truth.
Choose Christ today. Live rightously, and Godly, and Holy today. When God pulls our time card- ready or not there you will recieve your reward, or your punishment. I urge you to choose Jesus. Live well, and you will die well, IF you die befor the rapture takes place. Live in sin, die in sin, unexplainable horror awaits.
Hell is a real place for the loser. Loser is defined as "One who loses". The word lose = to fail, to miss the mark, to waste, to wander from the way. The screams, and cries, and prayers of all eternity will never be heard by God again. Oh the horror of an eternity without hope. The terror of torment, and the blackness of eternal darkness is truth.
Choose Christ today. Live rightously, and Godly, and Holy today. When God pulls our time card- ready or not there you will recieve your reward, or your punishment. I urge you to choose Jesus. Live well, and you will die well, IF you die befor the rapture takes place. Live in sin, die in sin, unexplainable horror awaits.
Friday, October 29, 2010
The wages of sin are too high to pay = Death
This is a fact. This is something the devil and the world doesnt't want you to know. Death is something promised by God, In fact we have an appointment with death, and an agreement with Hell. You might say that you are a good person. You don't think you deserve to die and go to a Hell, where there is no water, no air, no food, no love, no peace, no sight for it is pure blackness. Jesus said Come unto me, and I'll give you rest. We live and we die by the choices we make. Life or Death. Your choice. My choice. I choose life. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
Friday, October 22, 2010
Do you know what you believe?
Somebody asked another" What do you believe? The fellow told him I believe what my church believes. The somebody asked the fellow what does your church believe? He said it believes what I believe." Well around the world we go. What do you believe. You know this is one of the most important questions in your life. It can literally mean life or death. Jesus said He was the truth. He said that of Himself. Mohammed is not the truth. He WAS liar, a murderer, a whoremonger, and I believe a man possessed of the devil. Budda is dead, and so is all the other so called Saviors. What you believe is the uttimate question.
Hello everybody. I have just found where many of you have read and are currently reading this. I don't know much about how to operate this blog very well. I would love to talk with you, and tell you how much this means. Some of you from Japan, and other country's thank you. I can't understand your language but I can sense your heart, and spirit. May the Lord bless you. I did not know this was available for me to see. Love you all. Praise God forever!
Hello everybody. I have just found where many of you have read and are currently reading this. I don't know much about how to operate this blog very well. I would love to talk with you, and tell you how much this means. Some of you from Japan, and other country's thank you. I can't understand your language but I can sense your heart, and spirit. May the Lord bless you. I did not know this was available for me to see. Love you all. Praise God forever!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Can we all say AMEN!
Amen = So be it. We surely can't say amen to just anything, and everything that happens in our lives. We can't pick and choose how everything, and everyone involved in our lives, are going to behave themselves. I just decide not to hate anyone, but I can't make those that decide to dislike me, or my choices in life, like me or my choices. I choose Jesus, and I choose His Word as my rule of faith, and practice, and discipline. I have decided to live as a Christian. I love living clean. I say AMEN to this over and over again.
How about you? Do you like the way you're living? Do you wish something would change in your life? Have you asked the life changer to come into your life, and change your life for good? If not, why not? The giver of life wants to change your life for the good. All He is waiting for is for you to ask Him. Won't you ask Him. Then you can say Amen with the rest of us that have trusted in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
How about you? Do you like the way you're living? Do you wish something would change in your life? Have you asked the life changer to come into your life, and change your life for good? If not, why not? The giver of life wants to change your life for the good. All He is waiting for is for you to ask Him. Won't you ask Him. Then you can say Amen with the rest of us that have trusted in the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Ps. 103 talks about us blessing the Lord
Have you ever wondered how you can bless the Lord? Ever ponder the question? With all our needs that we depend on God for, and all our plea's for help on a daily basis, how can we bless the Lord.
#1 is We acknowledge Him, and have surrendered to Him, in itself is a blessing to God. Too many people do not even take into account what the Lord does daily in our lives. Have you given the thought attention today of how much the Lord has helped you already on this Thursday morning at 9:15 am?
Read Ps. 103 and see how many benifits we recieve from God. Can you put yourself into the equation?
Praise Him Saints. Keep your relationship with God fresh. Fresh Fire today, and everyday. Love you all.
If you have read this please let me know. is my e-mail, or Thanks.
#1 is We acknowledge Him, and have surrendered to Him, in itself is a blessing to God. Too many people do not even take into account what the Lord does daily in our lives. Have you given the thought attention today of how much the Lord has helped you already on this Thursday morning at 9:15 am?
Read Ps. 103 and see how many benifits we recieve from God. Can you put yourself into the equation?
Praise Him Saints. Keep your relationship with God fresh. Fresh Fire today, and everyday. Love you all.
If you have read this please let me know. is my e-mail, or Thanks.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Be Determined
He that endureth to the end shall be saved. It is far better to keep to the fight and get knocked down a time or two, than to quit just because of a failure. A fight involves two. Jesus said He would be a friend to us that sticks closer than a brother. He will help us if the enemy is stronger than we can handle. The devil is not going to fight us alone, he is like a pack of dogs, they throw in together. We arm ourselves with the armor of God, and the fire of the Holy Ghost will help us win in any situation. Love you all.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Hey everybody
This is the day the Lord hath made, let us be glad and joyful with it. Just think the Lord of glory has given us 24 hours to do what we want to do, or not to do. It is the doer of the Word that will be blessed, and that abundantly. Roll up your sleaves Christian and let us get to the work of the ministry. You are not saved for nothing, but to be vessel's of Honor, sanctified and meet for the Master's use. Fresh Fire today and everyday.
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Wet wood = no fire
It is so important we get under the spout where the glory comes out. The rain of the Holy Ghost will fill us, and thrill us to the max. When we move away from God, instead of moving towards God, we allow the enemy to throw the waters of this world on us. You ever drop something important into some water, ( like documents, or birth certificates, etc. ), and find out untill they dry out they are of little use to you or others.
Satan wants to drown us in self pity, or pride, or condemnation, or anger, or sadness, or any number of things. Stay close to the fire my fellow Christians. A fire kept fresh is not likely to go out easily. Once a day, everyday, all day long. Pray, pray, pray, and fight, fight, fight this fight of faith. Stand like men and women of God. For if God is for us who can be against us?! Love you all.
Satan wants to drown us in self pity, or pride, or condemnation, or anger, or sadness, or any number of things. Stay close to the fire my fellow Christians. A fire kept fresh is not likely to go out easily. Once a day, everyday, all day long. Pray, pray, pray, and fight, fight, fight this fight of faith. Stand like men and women of God. For if God is for us who can be against us?! Love you all.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
I am a blessed man
I am part of a high integrity group of ministers, missionary's, pastors, and evangelist. These are Spirit baptised, Spirit led, serious men, and women for God, from all over the world. Wow. I am more armed than ever, and serious about being all God wants me to be. Praise God forever! Lookout for Fresh Fire ministrys is fixing to launch out into the deep. Would you pray about coming on board as a partner in this ministry. Praise God forever! Call me and let me know OK. Love you all.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
U and football and eternity ?!
Sports are alright in it's place. Lot's go in to making a team worth watching and winning. Some are always gonna be better than other's. Some actually swear by their teams. Some are fans too the max.
Let us make sure we have our ducks in a row. Jesus, the Bible, Church attendence, and involvement.
If you agree with this call me, or e-mail me at, 516-3427. Love you.
Let us make sure we have our ducks in a row. Jesus, the Bible, Church attendence, and involvement.
If you agree with this call me, or e-mail me at, 516-3427. Love you.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
We are God's workmanship created in Christ Jesus
Last night in the Columbiana Jail the enemy was stirred up. I preached to 6-8 inmates while 40+ walked, talked, played cards, beat their shoes on the wall, a fight broke out, disrupting the whole concentration of the few listening to the gospel. One inmate got up from the table and said he was done. Everybody can just go to hell. I was overwhelmed, and felt mighty ineffective. I was feeling like I had done no good for anybody. I preached and taught, and prayed, and laughed, and love on them as best I could. Still the uproar of all this confusion was more than I had experienced to date. Upon leaving an inmate ask me - Bro. Eddie when are you coming back? Wow. Encouragement flowed thru me right then. I thru my shoulders back and said Next week the Lord be willing. Keep on the firing line ya'll, and never quit. Love you all in Jesus.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
As in the days of Noah, and as in the days of Lot.
Have you watched the news lately and seen the floods, and seen the fires. All over the world. Before the coming of the Lord. Let us put this prophecy, and current events together. What does it look like to you?
I tell you now the coming of the Lord draws nigh. If the rapture took place today would you be among the chosen few to leave this world in the twinkling of an eye? If not, why not? God loves you more than you can even imagine. He will change your life to one of victory if you trust Him. Go ahead, I dare you. I double dog dare you to give Christ a chance. I promise you, you won't reqret it one bit. Love you.
I am trying to get this blog operational, and I know you really can't comment back to me now, but if you have read this, would you write me at, or Tell me OK. I really want to communicate with you all that check out this website. Praise God forever!
I tell you now the coming of the Lord draws nigh. If the rapture took place today would you be among the chosen few to leave this world in the twinkling of an eye? If not, why not? God loves you more than you can even imagine. He will change your life to one of victory if you trust Him. Go ahead, I dare you. I double dog dare you to give Christ a chance. I promise you, you won't reqret it one bit. Love you.
I am trying to get this blog operational, and I know you really can't comment back to me now, but if you have read this, would you write me at, or Tell me OK. I really want to communicate with you all that check out this website. Praise God forever!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
How desperate are you for God ?????????????????????????????
I was told of an underground church in China. The visiting minister from America ask this question, What would you like to learn in these 2 weeks I have with you? They said we want to learn the Old Testament. He said I think we should pray that the Lord will give me the anointing to do this. They began to pray, and cried out to God for 2 hours. When they finished praying the places they were praying, laying prostrate, were puddles of water from their tears. For near 2 weeks for 18 hours a day, he taught them the 39 books of the Old Testament. 2 days left, the Pastor asked what would they like to know they all said the New Testament. For 20 hours a day in 2 days he was able to complete the study. Talk about hungry for God. Desperately hungry for God. I just wonder if I was this hungry, and you were this hungry for God, what this world would be like? Oh God let it be.
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Prov. 16:2
The scriptures are true, from cover to cover. No lies are found there. No double talk, or hypocrisy. All the ways of a man are clean in his own eyes; but the Lord weigheth the spirits. Wow. Think about this ya'll. Ways = spirits. It all depends on what way you and I are in. Who are you following depends on the way you're going. Live like Hell and go there. Live like Heaven you'll go there. How is your relationship with Jesus today? Fresh Fire = Fresh relationship with the God of glory......... Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Saturday, August 28, 2010
How much God do you want?
Ever wonder how much God you can have. Once you surrender to Christ you have recieved the promise of eternal life, and enough God to make Heaven. The closer we get to God the more God gives us of Himself. We become His servants, and His witnesses. We can be Holy and rightours by being filled up with Him. Come on ya'll let us get more and more and more of God for an abundant life here, and Heaven later.
Monday, August 23, 2010
So close yet so far
Always know that the closer we get to God the more of God we need. I love to be in His presence, but I know there is more of His presence yet to come. Heaven is that unexplainable place prepared for those really prepared to go there. It starts with Jesus, is filled with Jesus, and ends with Jesus. We are more than forgiven, we are purchased (redeemed). Sanctification is a real experience thru the blood of Jesus that allows us to live without the desire for sin. Gal. 5 talks about Abrahams son Ismael being the type of the adamic nature. Cast him out God said. Thru Christ we can be saved, sanctified, and by faith recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives the utterance. This is an awesome gift. Have you recieved the baptism of the Holy Ghost since you believed. Fresh Fire is a life changing experience. Pray for this ministry OK. Love you.
Monday, August 16, 2010
So Good
It is so good to have a Holy Ghost experience. Somebody asked me today about our church speaking in tongues. I said I am a pentecostal and this is something I do daily. She said that scares her, because she doesn't understand it. I said that is understandable, because she hasn't recieved the gift. God is still pouring out His Spirit and it is so good. Have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed. If not, Why not?
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Interest or Apathy
Interest in something will cause someone to do something with what ever it is that the interest is in. Apathy is a don't care attitude, a Whatever kind of thought. This is living death.
If you have lost your interest in God, the Bible, the Church, your Spouse, your kids, your life get back. Get back to the Cross, back to the Bible, back to doing something in Church, back to dating your Spouse, back to loving your children. Fresh Fire today, and forever! Love you all.
If you have lost your interest in God, the Bible, the Church, your Spouse, your kids, your life get back. Get back to the Cross, back to the Bible, back to doing something in Church, back to dating your Spouse, back to loving your children. Fresh Fire today, and forever! Love you all.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
66 books, 1189 chapters
Have you read your Bible today. If not, why not? The scriptures will help us make our life successful if we take it, we can make it. The middle verse of the whole Bible is Ps. 118:8 " It is better to trust in God than to put your confidence in man". Crack the Book and take a look ya'll. We win, if we surrender to Christ. Love you all.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Empty or Full
How full are you of the fullness of Christ. Have you recieved the Holy Ghost since you believed? What about being Sanctified holy. In other words the desire for sin taken away. Nobody is going to make Heaven on watered down gasoling. We need to be full, and we need to be full on High Octane gasoline. Love you all.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Let us stand for God today
A dry noodle can stand up like a stick, a wet noodle is limp, has no strength to stand. Our backbone resembles one type of noodle. What kind of backbone do you have for God. Does anybody know you are a Christian? Are you imbarrased when somebody is talking to another about their souls? It could be the wet noodle syndrom. All Christians are in a battle, but some have decided to hide, and not fight. Get mad at Hell, and make sure your Yes is fresh in God, and stand up.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Praise is something that should be automatic
When a heart is right with God, then praise comes forth automatically. You don't have to prod it out, it just comes out. Word are merely the expression of our hearts.Curse word, negative words, demeaning words, are from a heart far from God. Is your YES fresh today in God. If not, why not. Call on the Lord today, and just go ahead and praise the Lord. Love you.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
% of rain around
Rain takes place when the clouds get so full they have to empty theirselves of all the H2O. We get the benifit. It has been dry lately and it is sure good to see some rain a falling. How about comparing that to our Spiritual condition. Dry, so dry were dusty in the prayer closet, so dry it takes a feather duster to clean the Bible? Let us pray for rain, Holy rain, Holy Ghost rain, where the rain becomes fire. Fresh Fire from Heaven. Need an umbrella?
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I sure can't point a finger at anybody
I have to answer for me, and you have to answer for you. God knows and that is a fact. I reckon if none of us ever messed up we would be a candidite for "Saint for the day". Let us weigh the cost of living our lives in Holiness, and/or Worldliness. We will only see God in Holy living. If I have offended someone I ask your forgiveness. If the Word offends you, by my or other preachers, I will not ask your forgiveness because it is not my word but God's. Love you each one, and I appreciate your prayer and support. Praise God forever!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
What we need is a Soul Filling Station
Some of you Saints that have been around Pentecostal churches have seen the change taking place. Do we not rock the boat, and just let the tide of worldliness come on in. Or do we make a stand and hold to our convictions. We need Fresh Fire of the Holy Ghost. We need some Soul filling stations, pumping that High Octane Super Salvation today. Can you say amen. Talk to me somebody.
Friday, July 16, 2010
As for God, His way is perfect:
Only God is perfect. We must strive to be the best that we can be. Slop jar Christianity is a bad testimony. Ps. 18: 30 says " As for God, His way is perfect : the Word of the Lord is tried : He is a buckler to all those that trust in Him. ". God is perfect, the Bible ( I prefer King James ), has been tried and found flawless. God will keep us connected if we trust in Him.
This tell's me our trust in God will keep us together. Fresh Fire is exactly what takes place when we trust in God. No old experiences are allowed in this Buckler business. New or Fresh, and relavant fire from the Holy Ghost is needed Now, and tomorrow. How's your walk with God? Call me we can talk, and pray, and believe, and trust, and love, and grow together. Bind Satan with your trust in God. Whewwwwww!!!!
This tell's me our trust in God will keep us together. Fresh Fire is exactly what takes place when we trust in God. No old experiences are allowed in this Buckler business. New or Fresh, and relavant fire from the Holy Ghost is needed Now, and tomorrow. How's your walk with God? Call me we can talk, and pray, and believe, and trust, and love, and grow together. Bind Satan with your trust in God. Whewwwwww!!!!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Let us keep praising our King
Jesus was born King. A 7 way King. King of the Jew, King of Isreal, King of Rightousness, King of the ages, King of Heaven, King of glory, King of Kings, and the Lord of Lords. That is our King.
All of our loyalty should be given to Jesus, all of our trust in eternal things starts and ends with Jesus.
There is stiill room for us at the foot of our King. Come and let us worship Him today, and forever! Amen!
All of our loyalty should be given to Jesus, all of our trust in eternal things starts and ends with Jesus.
There is stiill room for us at the foot of our King. Come and let us worship Him today, and forever! Amen!
Friday, July 2, 2010
Enjoy the 4th of July
The 4th of July for America is a day of celebration for our freedom from national bondage. All other countries are looking at America to see how we handle our freedom. The president we have and the democratic leaders, and other liberals would have us try to conform to other nations.
I salute our troops, and heroes in uniform, but I would not walk across the street to hear some of these in office today. I will pray for them but I will not support them as far as their adgenda is concerned.
This country needs God back in His rightful place. Fresh Fire today, and forever!
I salute our troops, and heroes in uniform, but I would not walk across the street to hear some of these in office today. I will pray for them but I will not support them as far as their adgenda is concerned.
This country needs God back in His rightful place. Fresh Fire today, and forever!
Monday, June 28, 2010
God orders repentence
In Acts 17:30 the scripture says "And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men to repent:". God commands repentence. When God commands something God has a reason for it.
Repentence is being sorry for sin, and turn from it, not live in it. To live seperately in Holiness is something required of us to make Heaven. If you mess up, fess up, and God will pick you up, and get you ready to go up. Love God ya'll. Keep your relationship with God alive.
Repentence is being sorry for sin, and turn from it, not live in it. To live seperately in Holiness is something required of us to make Heaven. If you mess up, fess up, and God will pick you up, and get you ready to go up. Love God ya'll. Keep your relationship with God alive.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Freedom isn't free
Freedom has never been free, and will never be free. I want to say thanks to all the Vererans, and their families. My Mom, and Dad, were both WW II vets. I am a Vietnam era vet. My son Eric is a vet. How proud it makes me to know this freedom I love, and enjoy. It has been paid for by men, and women, black, & white, red, & yellow, brown, & black. I salute each one.
God bless America is still our prayer, and so much more as we see the enemy of our freedom roaming to and fro seeking whom he may devour.
Let us never take for granted our freedom, or our blessings, and where they came from, and who paid the price. It starts with Jesus, the author, and finisher, of our faith. If it wasn't for Him there would be no freedom anywhere. God bless America. Amen.
God bless America is still our prayer, and so much more as we see the enemy of our freedom roaming to and fro seeking whom he may devour.
Let us never take for granted our freedom, or our blessings, and where they came from, and who paid the price. It starts with Jesus, the author, and finisher, of our faith. If it wasn't for Him there would be no freedom anywhere. God bless America. Amen.
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
It is time
Have you ever wondered how long will it be before the Lord wraps this Gospel business up? I think it wise for us to know that time is something in His hands, and we just need to hold on to the truth of His Word, and not be anxious for anything. I know it is preached many a time that anytime the rapture could come. It is true, but God knows a whole lot more than we do when it all fall's into His plan. Live each day like it is your last, and enjoy it like it is your first taste of victory. Do you remember your first taste of Heaven? If not, or if it has been a long time since you've tasted Heaven, come back to the altar and confess your sins, and situations to our heavenly Father thru Christ, and by the moving of the Holy Ghost your life will be changed.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers Day to all the Dad's out there. What a responsibility it is for us to be Dad's. How much will we be held accountable for the way we do our duty. To raise a child in God's way's requires someone with a relationship with the God of glory obeying Gos's Word. There is no if's, and's, or but's. Glory!..
Monday, June 14, 2010
Tell somebody about Jesus
When is the last time you shared Christ with someone. If you can't remember there needs to be a refreshing of Soul Burden in you. Hit the altar, pray until something stirs inside of you causing you to burst with enthusiasm to share this Good News. Jesus is awesome. Don't you think so?!!!!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
David was known for being a man after God's own heart or the OP factor!!
What an affirmation being called a man after God's heart. A spiritual mind is life and peace. Consider the OP factor in this. O = Obedience, and P = Passion.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. To say Yes to God without desire to say yes is like giving your tithes and offererings grudgingly. Just keep it in your pocket. You will not get blessed unless you do it wholeheartingly. Passion is fire, fire is consuming. To obey with passion cannot help but bless the socks off of you. David served God with a passionate servent heart. How about you. David wasn't the only man after God's heart. You and I can be a part of this if we want to be. Call on Jesus, and get the OP factor working in your life.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. To say Yes to God without desire to say yes is like giving your tithes and offererings grudgingly. Just keep it in your pocket. You will not get blessed unless you do it wholeheartingly. Passion is fire, fire is consuming. To obey with passion cannot help but bless the socks off of you. David served God with a passionate servent heart. How about you. David wasn't the only man after God's heart. You and I can be a part of this if we want to be. Call on Jesus, and get the OP factor working in your life.
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Summer Time
June is the beginning month for summer time, and vacations, and school outs, and etc, There is never a time to cool it with the Gospel though. Too many people have included vaction with church attendance. I know it is an easy thing to do is miss church when on vacation. The answer is, I believe, keeping your Yes Fresh everyday. If church is the only time we pray, or read scripture ( or have it read to us ), we are sorely missing the mark. Daily devotions are a must for us. Daily Bible reading, and daily praying is a part of our Christian obligation. A Bible in the back of a car, in full view fried like a french frie at Mcdonalds, is not an inspiration to anybody. In fact it will be the opposite effect. Summer, Winter, Spring, or Fall we have the same responsibility to be real. Something to think about. Love you all in Christ.
Friday, June 4, 2010
God favored the Camp
I thank you for your prayers for youth camp. The Lord blessed mightily, and kids were saved, baptized, blessed, and shown hope. This was Outreach camp, and many of the kids had a situation heavier than a kid should have. Thank God for His power. We praise you oh God. Glory!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
I appreciate your prayers ya'll
I will be out of pocket next week. I will be working at church youth camp as a Counselor. I appreciate what God has done in my life, and do want to bless these kid's. I will not have access to a computer there so this blog will have to be the reminder for where I am. Thanks for your prayers. Love you all.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Love Mondays
I have heard it said too many times " Man it's another Monday, back to work for another week". Good grief. Listen everybody be thankful for the day's the Lord helps us have. Thank God for the ability to work, the health to do, the mind to do whatever it is we are called to do, the heart to do things. Monday is the start of another 24 hours the Lord has given to us. It is His day, we get to be in it with Him. Wow.
Keep your Yes Fresh with God and life will mean so much more to you, and to others that see your Fire for God, and life. Praise God forever!
Keep your Yes Fresh with God and life will mean so much more to you, and to others that see your Fire for God, and life. Praise God forever!
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Went to a funeral yesterday
A funeral is a send off, a ceremony for the dead. Some are more lively than others. The dead cannot do anything for anybody ever again. Of course we know that the body is just the shell the soul lives in. The way a man lives, and for whom the man lives, is the main point. A saved person's funeral can be more of a celebration than a man that is lost without God. The lost that die will ever be lost. There is no salvation available after death. I have seen the rightous die and rejoiced, and I have seen the lost die and was broken hearted because of it. Heaven and Hell are real places, for real people, with never dying souls.
What kind of funeral will you have - Celebration or heartache?
What kind of funeral will you have - Celebration or heartache?
Monday, May 17, 2010
Politicians and the Oil spill
Seems like a big similarity in both. One spews filth, and the other spews filth. Oil is slimy, so is a liar. We need some clean up don't we. It starts in the heart. Oil will burn, and so will a lying politician. Ha. Really. Something to think about isn't it.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Convictions give us guidelines to go by
Convictions = Strong belief. What do you believe? What are your convictions. The scripture says the Lord convicts us of Sin, of Rightousness, and of Judgement. Sin is anything unrightous; Rightousness is what is right; and Judgement is the final opinion of one in authority. God has spoken to us in His Word. We will be judged by the things we do, and don't do, accordingly. If what ever we do is contrary to God's Word, and His Way ( Holiness ), we should be convicted of it. If were not a trip to the altar is in order. Fresh Fire includes repentance when you sin. I don't believe in onced saved, always saved. I believe this is a dangerous doctrine. There will be a rude awakening for some on judgement day. Pray up and go up. Nough said.
Friday, May 7, 2010
He that overcometh the same shall be ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Rev. 3:5 is a rich verse for us in that it lays out who will win and who will lose. All of us fall short of the glory of God. When we mess up, fess up. Don't take for granted that, like some, say your sins are all done away with from then to when. Responsibility is on our shoulders to live according to Gods instruction book - the Bible. " He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before His angels." Pretty straight word don't you think?
Thursday, May 6, 2010
National day of prayer
This America we love is being shot at, and this is often from the inside. The 5th column was an enemy group made to fit in with everyone else, whether it was an army, or a country. We often can't see the enemy because Satan is the one behind this plan to destroy and to kill. Bottom line is WE NEED GOD. Pray and fast for this country, and it's leaders. If we don't pray look out. We will win only if we get cleaned up from our sin. Be serious with God about this, because God is already serious about answering. Love you all in Christ.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Lord give us eyes to see the times we are living in
A blind man can't see what is ahead of him. He walks slowly, often using a cane or stick to help him discern what is in his way. He can't use his physical eyes, for they don't work. Ummmmmmm this is like us. Unless we are in tune with God, we walk in blindness, and have to have some other means of sight to help us. Other means will turn us in the wrong direction. The Word of God is still true. Stick yer nose in it and grow, and let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Last day of May 2010.
One of these days there will be no more days. Eternity is not measured in seconds, or minutes, or hours, or days but just is. Heaven is, and Hell is. There is no purgotory, or any other escape from Hell. If you live a sinners life, you will die a sinners death. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life thru Jesus Christ Our Lord. Is Jesus your Lord? If not why not? It is the best life to live while you live. Fresh Fire today, and forever! Love you all so much. Thanks for your prayers.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Is. 55: 6 - 11
Seek the Lord. Wow. Seek means to search for. Do we take for granted that once we get saved there is no more seeking the Lord? When we eat do we take for granted that we will not need food again? Same case here. Good food equals lots of benifits like good health. Good Word will do the same except in a spirituall way. If you had a spiritual examination what would be the results? Good, bad, or ugly? Let's get healthy in God ya'll what ya say? Praise God forever!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Have you ever wondered where the time went?
Time does not wait on anybody for anything unless the maker of time is in control. We can pray, and ask our Heavenly Father to help us with time and He will, when we pray in Faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God. Time and Faith will change situations, no matter what they are. Take time to talk it over with the author and finisher of our faith. Author = beginning, and Finisher = end = time. Time is an interval of seconds, and minutes, and hours, and days, and weeks, and months, and years. Eternity is beyond our understanding of time. I believe in the Bible. The Bible mentions eternal life and eternal punishment. Wow. Which way are you headed? Fresh Fire is life or death. Git right ya'll, and stay right.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
The calm before the storm
Have you noticed the undertones of a storm coming on. Jesus said Watch and Pray. Signs of this coming storm are everywhere. If we follow Christ from a distance we can't see as clearly as if we could when were close to Him. Let me urge everyone to get close, to draw close, to seek Him with our whole hearts. Make sure your Fire is Fresh. Today. Love you each one.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Refreshing in the Spirit is the best refreshing
Do you remember running, and resting. There is no better time for refreshing after you have wore yourselves out running, and playing, and laughing, and shouting, and witnessing, and worshipping God with all your hearts, and all your souls. Of course if you have lost your enthusiasm, and the excitement of living you just need "Fresh Fire" to get you back on track. I'm talking about a new experience for those that have a need to do your first works over again. Matt. 11:28 - Come unto me all ye that are heavy laden and I will give you rest.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Glorios, Victorious Resurrection day.
Thanks be to God for His wonderful gift. I am so thankful for the resurrection, and promise of abundant life. Thank God for Sis. Gayle and Bro. John Kirkpatrick for this web site, and for all the ones that have signed the questbook, and became a member of Fresh Fire Ministry. Love you all so much.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Happy Resurrection Day
3 days dead was enough for Jesus. He kicked death in the teeth and got up from that tomb. There is just something about death. Dead = no feeling, no movement, nothing said, or done. There is no challange in being dead, and No convictions. What about your life? Does it resemble death, or life. In real life we feel, we move, we say something, and we do something - By and For God. I love you each one and want you to know how much I appreciate your prayers, and your encouragements. God bless you abundantly everyone with Holy Ghost annointing, and Resurrection Power. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Repent or perish
Last night at the Shelby Co. Jail the Lord really blessed. Several got saved, a quite a few rededicated their lives to Jesus. I asked them to pray after me, I gave them the words to say, but I could not do a thing about their hearts. If a man is not convinced he is a sinner, and that sin stinks, and is convinced he can't save himself, and REPENTS, he can't be saved. This is the work of God. When it really is God's Spirit dealing with a man, the man is broken and this gives way for the Lord to move in and remove that sin. If the man gets up from the altar and does the same old things he was convicted of in the first place, there has been NO Conversion.. Repent or perish. This is God's Word, no if's, and's, or but's.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring has sprung but ..........
Friday was the official day of Spring. It was beautiful. I loved it, how about you? Today - Sunday - the thermometer is dropping as I speak. I understand life is like this. Sometimes we're up, and sometimes we're down. Thank God He never changes. He remains the same. We can trust Him no matter what. Keeping our Yes Fresh in God is not always easy, but is always possible. Let us lean heavy on Him, and take heart. We are winners in God. Praise God forever!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord
Holiness is one essential the Lord has made a requirement for any of us to see Him. What is Holiness? It is nothing we can do, because of our fallability. It is God in us, that removes our sin, and our desire for sin. It is conviction of anything not pleasing to God. We know it as a holy cleansing or Sanctification. Paul wrote to those Sanctified, so did Peter. Sanctification = Hagadion = Get the world out. No longer do we continue with the same stinking habits we had before we were saved, and sanctified. The blood of Jesus does the miricle of grace in our lives. Ask God for this doctrine called Sanctification, it is available for the asking. Some say I am trying to quit smoking, or drugging, or drinking, or what ever. Sanctified people have had the desire removed by the blood of Jesus. A second work of grace available to all that ask God thru Jesus Christ. So good to live Holy. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 12, 2010
Good communications
Eph. 4:25 " Each one of you speak truth with his neighbor, for we are members one of another. " How important it is for us to speak truthfully with one another. A lie is communication of the worst kind. You can only depend on truth, you cannot depend on a lie. Christ is pure truth. We can depend on Him all the time.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Watching the Biggest loser and thinking
It is easier to gain weight than to lose it. The biggest loser is about the one that has lost the most pounds. In the spiritual realm too many saints eat too few God calories to get their souls fat. We need to take heed to both our Souls and our bodies. Let us take heed to what God has to offer. It is good for us.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Encouragement is like adding fuel to the fire
Too many times we run out of excitement due to the attack of the enemy and all the heavy stuff that life is so full of. This is the time encouragement can help us make it. 1 Thes. 5:14--- has 14 exhortations. These exhortations are encouragements. If we follow Gods Word we will be be encouraged and this encouragement will cause us to encourage others. One good turn deserves another. A little encouragement is worth a priceless amount.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Our faith is not in the wisdom of men, but the power of God.
1 Cor. 2:5 says all we need to know about where our faith comes from, and where it is going. Faith is more than mere belief. It is so much more than that. Men believe in all manner of things but true faith comes from God for God. Idol worship comes in many forms, even our church can become Idols to us if we don't watch out. Keep your relationship fresh in God, and our faith stays alive. The Holy Ghost gives us power for service, and power to believe & have confidence in God.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord " 1 Cor. 1:31 "
Glory means to "rejoice proudly". Before you jump ahead with the pre thought of proud anything let us think for a minute. Pride comes in two forms. Good pride is being proud of where you are, but knowing you didn't get there by yourself. You had help to reach this place and you acknowledge God and the others that helped you make this plateau. Bad pride is thinking you reached this place by yourself and doesn't acknowledge anyone but yourself. To glory is also to lift up in praise, and honor. Wow. What a great God we serve, and how awesome is He to usward not willing any should perish, but have everlasting life.
Keep your Yes Fresh in God, and give Him all the praise you can while you can. By the way it's OK with God to get a little radical with your praise, and I sure don't mind it either.
Keep your Yes Fresh in God, and give Him all the praise you can while you can. By the way it's OK with God to get a little radical with your praise, and I sure don't mind it either.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Enjoyed God today
How good it is to have a God we can enjoy. Some religions have some kind of diety they call God. The real God of the Bible is a good God, and not one that we can't know as a Savior or a friend. Once you know Him we can enjoy Him. Do you know Him today and do you enjoy Him?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Has God got our attention or does it matter to us about this?
We were all made by God for God. He will be first. He will never be last or second place. To what we give attention to is what is important to us. If Christ is important as He should be in our lives, then things fall into place like they should. He saved us and not we ourselves. Let us give Him our attention and He will in turn give us His attention. Wow how awesome is that ya'll?
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Life is not fair - get used to it
This is something that has been quoted more times than we could count. Being a Christian does not change the world. It will change YOU. You and I and the millions that call Jesus the Lord and Savior of their lives can change the areas of the world we are part of. There is a song that says - Jesus be Jesus in me. No longer me but thee. Resurrection power fill me this hour. Jesus be Jesus in me. Life might not be fair because of sin. We don't have to let this ruin our relation with God. Keep the fire fresh ya'll. Praise God forever!
Sunday, February 21, 2010
We serve a no limit God
We have an on time, all the time God. He can do anything, but He will not do everything. We have options. To obey or not to obey that is the question. We win in Jesus so why not obey and keep winning. Blessed is the man that Walks, Stands, and Sits at His feet.
Friday, February 19, 2010
When you pray things happen
Isaiah 43: 25 & 26 " I, even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgressions FOR MINE OWN SAKE, and will not remember thy sins. Put Me in remembrance: let us plead together: declare thou, that thor mayest be justified." Notice the 4 words I have captilized. For Him but we get these good benifits of forgiveness, and grace. He recieves our admiration, and praise, and which He is surely worthy. Let us proclaim this message as our mission.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
John 9:33
"If this man were not of God, he could do nothing." Is there anything too hard for God ya'll? No sir, No mam, there is nothing too hard for God. I heard the song from the Blackwood Brothers this morning - Learning to Lean. Do you think if we really trusted in Jesus, and leaned on Him for our support, that things would be different in our lives. There is only one way to Heaven and that is thru the Lord Jesus Christ who is God, and became man, so us folk could go to glory. Are you a real Christian? If not why not? If so draw close while you can, and lean Saints lean.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Jesus is as close as a brother
That is if you want Him to be. If we draw close to God, He said He would draw close to us. Burden's are lifted at Calvary. Christ died so we could live. There is no better life that we can have than to fellowship with Heaven, and singing Heavens songs is a result of our fellowship. Keep your Yes Fresh in God ya'll and the testimony we have will encourage others as well as ourselves.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Snow is white and can change the looks of everything
Christ will turn our black sin sick souls into white as snow clean souls. This will change the looks of everything. You will know it, and others will know it too. There is just something about clean that attracts quality. There is wonder working power in the Blood of Jesus. Don't plan on you never needing a re-do in your soul cleaning. You back slide on God you will pay dearly, and not just you. If you mess up - fess up. Fresh Fire means just that Fresh Fire. Keep your self in the love of God. Clean in God is a good way to live.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I picked up a piano yesterday
Man talk about heavy. My brother in law emcouraged me to pick it up and move it. I was more into rolling it when I could, but we had a long way to go. My brohter in law, Denny Rexroad , said you can do it. That is all I needed to hear. I picked it up and together we moved that piano from one room, thru one room, and then another. Listen to me fellow Christians no matter how heavy a load you face you can do it. Thru Christ you can do anything.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Bless the Lord ya'll
Bless = Happy. Make God happy is what this is saying. How ,you may ask, can I make God happy? I as a father, always got to feeling pretty good when my children obeyed when I would ask them to do something. I think this would work for our relationship with God the Father too. The 10 commandments are not 10 suggestions. Obedience is better than sacrifice. What about it Saints? Bless the Lord all ye His Saints.
Here is your question - Are you His, or not? Are you Hot ,or Cold, or Lukewarm? Renew yourselves in Christ if you are not where you need or used to be ya'll. Keep your "Yes Fresh", and you will not be ashamed of God, or to God. Love you all. Praise God forever!
Here is your question - Are you His, or not? Are you Hot ,or Cold, or Lukewarm? Renew yourselves in Christ if you are not where you need or used to be ya'll. Keep your "Yes Fresh", and you will not be ashamed of God, or to God. Love you all. Praise God forever!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Jesus - Something about that name
Jesus is the answer for all the world to see. Jesus came to set us free. J = Justice satisfied. E = Eternity insured. S = Suffering for us. U = Unity with God made possible. S = Salvation complete. Stay close to Jesus and keep your fire fresh.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Who are you walking with, and where are you walking?
To be alone is sure a sad affair. Depression, and hopelessness are kin. Get with God, and God's people and enjoy this journey to eternity. If we are not walking with God, we are walking with the enemy of our souls. If we are walking with God we are going to Heaven. A place prepared for the believer. A place of unexplainable beauty. The opposite is true if we are not walking with God. Hell is a place prepared for the unbeliever. Which way is your spiritual compass pointing?
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I have been gone to see my kin folk out of town.
It sure is good to see kin folk. One of these days we will see all of our kin folk that are saved. That is the big difference. If you are saved, stay that way, and then you will see your kinfolk again. If they died saved then you will have a reunion when we meet in Heaven. I tell you the truth Hell is full of folks that had good intentions. There is no luke warm anybody in Heaven.
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
From freezing cold to hot as a firecracker
I am not much on cold weather but cold weather has it's place. In the spiritual realm cold has it's place only when we are away from the heat. We are the thermostats and determine if we want to be cold or hot in Jesus. The baptism of the Holy Ghost can take us from a cold experience to a fired up experience in a quick and timely manner. What is your thermostat set on? Let us kick it up a notch saints. Fresh Fire is for us today.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Thiis is another one of those days
How do you look at life? Faith is positive and see's the cup half full. Faithless is negative and see's the cup half empty. I've always enjoyed my Christian experience, and have always wanted everybody to have the same kind of experience. Was this my first inkling of a calling from God for Evangelism. I really think so. Yes this is another one of those days - days we are able to share the Gospel with someone. Let us do it OK.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Prov. 24:6
For by wise councel you will wage your own war, and in a multitude of counselors there is safety. My war against Satan, and Hell, is different than yours, and yours is different than mine, even though it is somewhat the same. Good councel can be had from God's Word, and in keeping close fellowship with those in the Word is safe. Disassociate from those that are enemy's of God by living in sin. Sin is contagious, and will kill us. Let us be contagious Christians ya'll.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
This ministry is all about keeping your relationship with God on Q
How long has it been since you've had a Holy Ghost, power packed, annointed, devil stomping encounter with God? Let us kick it up a notch ya'll. There is still a river that spills from Emanuels veins. The river is the Spirit of God. Pentecost is still happening. Is it a real experience in your life?
Friday, January 22, 2010
Politics and Religion
Two seperate topics, but all too often these are mixed together, and the church suffers. God still promotes the faithful, and demotes the backslider in heart. Stay faithful ya'll. There is no big I's and little you's in God's program. Look to Jesus, walk with Jesus, talk with Jesus, and Know Jesus and He will bless your sock's off. Love you. Draw close while you can, and keep politics and religion seperate in your lives.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Ever drop an egg and it not break?
Is there anything more fragile than an egg? It doesn't take much for an egg to break, because the shell is so thin. Man up Saints. This world is not our home, Satan is not our God, and what man says or does to us doesn't have to break us like an egg dropped. Sometimes we just have to be tough. I imagine Peter, & Paul had a rather tough shell don't you think. You and I can only tip toe thru the tulips for so long. Let us start taking giant steps toward God ya'll. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
What are ya looking for ?
Sometimes we look but we don't see, but we won't see unless we look. What are we looking for as far as our Spiritual growth is concerned ? Let us crack the Book and take a look. The Bible is not a book written by men about God, it is God's own words given to men so they may know Him - personally. Jesus said " Come unto me and I will give you rest."
Monday, January 18, 2010
Enjoy your salvation
When we enjoy our salvation we enjoy our lives. Life = L for love, I for intensly, F for fire, and E for ever. Love intensly by the fire of the Holy Ghost forever!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
There is a Way to Walk if youre a Believer
To walk is to get from one place to another. Which way are we going - up or down, right or wrong? To walk in victory is to walk cautiously. Mind your steps for they are directed by one authority or another.
Friday, January 15, 2010
66 Books of promise
The Holy Bible is an inspired word from God for us. Thousands of promises, some good, some not so good, are waiting for us. Obey God = good, Disobey God = bad. Simple solution for a successful Christian life is to crack the Book and take a look. Then run with victory thru the battle lines of the enemy.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Condition accessement
Sometimes we think were in good shape dispite the shape were in. The only real way to access our condition with God is how we fit with God's Word, and standard. Without Holiness no man shall see God. Only the pure in heart shall see God. Want to to hear the well done, Do it by the Book.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Excited about Jesus
Last night I had a love for Jesus that just flooded my being. I can't explain it all but it was wonderful. I live for these times of refreshing from the Lord. How awesome He is to us, and for us. When we get excited in the right things, our priorities change for the good. Spiritual gauge = our excitement or not in Jesus. Where are you today? Kick it up a notch saints. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, January 11, 2010
In circulation
When I went to crank the car this morning, and warm it up, it didn't warm up. It was just freezing cold air blowing, and man what a drag. There is a hole in the radiator and therefore without coolant there is no heat. The coolant leaked out. No coolant, no heat, because there is nothing to circulate. This will preach ya'll. No fire in the soul, nothing to circulate to anybody, anywhere, at anytime. Only Jesus can fix the hole in the soul.
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Worship today like it's your last day on earth
We have been given so much time to live. Let us remember to pay our tithes and offerings. No money - no problem. 24 hours in a day, 2 hours and 40 minutes = 10%. Worship saints with uplifted hands, and humble hearts. This is going to be a great day. I believe it. Whewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!
Saturday, January 9, 2010
It is still cold on the outside, but I got a fire going on the inside
Cold stops growth. Winter time is the time for all the trees, and other vegetation to get rest. We don't need to stop growing in God. Stay fired up ya'll. Fresh should be our relationship in God.
The world is a cold place for a man to be without Christ. If we do what we have always done, we will get what we've always got. Do you want to be more than you have ever been, draw close to God. He will take us to a new level in the Spirit.
The world is a cold place for a man to be without Christ. If we do what we have always done, we will get what we've always got. Do you want to be more than you have ever been, draw close to God. He will take us to a new level in the Spirit.
Friday, January 8, 2010
Proverbs 8:13
"The fear of the Lord is to hate evil; pride, arrogancy, and the evil way, these things I hate sayeth the Lord." If God hates these things so should we. I believe this is a true definition of Holiness. Holiness is essential for Heaven. Alabama and Texas fought it out and only one could win. Alabama did. Life is tough and is a fight till we breath no more. Only the Christian wins. Stay fired up, filled up, and when you die you go up. Pray about being a part of this ministry. I appreciate your prayer, and your financial gifts. It takes both. Love you.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Thursday - game day
This day Alabaman and Texas will play for a place in history. They both have come a long way, and now it's time to see who will come out the winner. Let us look at ourselves and how far we have come thru Christ. We are overcomers thru Christ, and the fight we fight is the fight of faith. This, and everyday, is game day for us. Go Saints go. We are making history, and our names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. Praise God forever!
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
The marks of the mission
If you are Christ then you are a part of the great co-mission. Co means to partner with, and mission means the vision of our future. To love God and to love others is our main directive from God. This is also our mission. So when we obey the great commission we actually become partners with God, to get ur done. Let us get on it what do you say?
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Jan. 5, 2010 and it's cold sho nuff
I reckon if it's hot or cold, or inbetween, we need to be the same on the inside. Our inward man is on display whether you know it or not. Let the Holy Ghost of Heaven make us ministers of fire. Fresh Fire is ours for the asking. Ask and we shall recieve. Bundle up outside, but be fired up on the inside. Whewwwwwwww!!
Monday, January 4, 2010
It is just another good day to remember the Lord
Do you remember something good in your past? When you were a child, or teenager, or young Adult, or even yesterday. Memories help us live life with more confidence, as we remember the good things that the Lord helped us with. The Alpha and Omega is still in control, and we are somewhere in between the beginning and the end. Be excited in your faith walk, and we will make mighty memories of faith.
Saturday, January 2, 2010
There's power in a name
A good name is better to have than great riches. It takes a long time to build a good reputation and a short time to mess one up. To live under the name of all names - Jesus - is the greatest of all priviledges. The rightous has one thing going for them = rightousness. That means they are made clean thru the shed blood of Jesus; who was, and is, and is to come. Only the rightous will make Heaven, and that is because Emmanuel came to change our names from sinner to saint. Wow!
Friday, January 1, 2010
Happy New Year - 2010
Here we are in the year of our Lord 2010. Let this be a year of faith. A year to recieve from God all the gifts he wants to give us. I believe the scriptures, I believe in repentence, justification, salvation by grace, sanctification as a second work of grace, baptism in water, and the baptism of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues as the Spirit gives the utterence. I believe in holiness as a way of life for the believer. Total abstinance from alcohol, cigarettes, and things that will destroy our testimony is also something I believe. I also believe in the rapture, in the pre-milenial 2cd coming of the Lord. I believe in Heaven and Hell. I believe we need to keep our Yes Fresh in God. I believe God is going to enlarge my territory. Pray about throwing in with this ministry and let us win souls together. Love you all. Thanks for the prayers.
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About Me
- Fresh Fire Ministries
- Chelsea, Alabama, United States
- We are Eddie and Linda Burchfield. I am an Ordained evangelist preaching the Word of God at churches, jails, the radio and where ever I am. I love the Lord and desire to reach as many as I can for Jesus. Linda sings and plays piano, I play Guitar and sing a little also. There is nothing better than to feel heaven come down and glory fill your soul. I want everybody to feel that same thing. Freedom in Christ.
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- Happy Resurrection Day
- Repent or perish
- Spring has sprung but ..........
- Without Holiness no man shall see the Lord
- Good communications
- Watching the Biggest loser and thinking
- Encouragement is like adding fuel to the fire
- Our faith is not in the wisdom of men, but the pow...
- He that glorieth, let him glory in the Lord " 1 Co...
- Enjoyed God today
- Has God got our attention or does it matter to us ...
- Life is not fair - get used to it
- We serve a no limit God
- When you pray things happen
- John 9:33
- Jesus is as close as a brother
- Snow is white and can change the looks of everything
- I picked up a piano yesterday
- Bless the Lord ya'll
- Jesus - Something about that name
- Who are you walking with, and where are you walking?
- I have been gone to see my kin folk out of town.
- From freezing cold to hot as a firecracker
- Thiis is another one of those days
- Prov. 24:6
- This ministry is all about keeping your relationsh...
- Politics and Religion
- Ever drop an egg and it not break?
- What are ya looking for ?
- Enjoy your salvation
- There is a Way to Walk if youre a Believer
- 66 Books of promise
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- Worship today like it's your last day on earth
- It is still cold on the outside, but I got a fire ...
- Proverbs 8:13
- Thursday - game day
- The marks of the mission
- Jan. 5, 2010 and it's cold sho nuff
- It is just another good day to remember the Lord
- There's power in a name
- Happy New Year - 2010